经典好书《Ehen in Philippsburg》读书内容简介:1927年3月24日出生于德国南部与瑞士和奥地利交界的博登湖畔的瓦塞堡。十一岁时父亲去世,他很小的时候就开始在母亲的餐馆里帮工。1944年应征入伍。1946年至1951年在雷根斯堡和蒂宾根大学攻读文学、历史和哲学。1951年以研究奥地利作家卡夫卡的论...详情
经典好书《Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion, 1250-76》读书内容简介:21年生,著名汉学家,法国科学院院士、法兰西学院教授。谢和耐教授专事中国社会和文化史研究,著述等身,主要作品有《中国社会史》、《中国与基督教》、《中国5—10世纪的寺院经济》等。他在《蒙元入侵前夜的中国日常生活》一书中以细腻的 笔触,描述了南宋临安的...详情
经典好书《Thinking in Systems A Primer》读书内容简介:is a concise and crucial book offering insight for problem-solving on scales ranging from the personal to the global. This es...详情
经典好书《Popular Culture in Late Imperial China》读书内容简介:urposes of this book is to help bring the study of non-elite culture into the mainstream of academic discourse about traditio...详情
经典好书《Reform and Revolution in China》读书内容简介: born in Marin County, north of San Francisco, in 1942 and studied Chinese history at Harvard (B.A., 1964, summa cum laude) a...详情
经典好书《Reform and Revolution in China》读书内容简介: born in Marin County, north of San Francisco, in 1942 and studied Chinese history at Harvard (B.A., 1964, summa cum laude) a...详情
经典好书《Rightful Resistance in Rural China》读书内容简介:dford Professor of Political Science at the Universityof California, Berkeley. His research focuses on popular p rotes...详情
经典好书《The Book Of The Cat: Cats in Art》读书内容简介: by artists since ancient times for their beauty, grace, independence and air of mystery. Domesticated, but with a touch of t...详情
经典好书《Great Minds in Management》读书内容简介:gement, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. Hitt have brought together some of the most influential and original thinkers in manageme...详情
经典好书《A Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China》读书内容简介:纪50、60年代最为重要的中华帝国史学者和亚洲研究领域学术计划最重要的推动者,1983年于密歇根大学退休。他生前任密歇根大学亚洲语言与文学系教授。Hucker教授著述甚丰,其中《中国古代官名辞典》一书是传统中国的政府组织这一问题上用西方...详情