经典好书《Mother’s Spirit》读书内容简介: (全一冊)充滿野性的原住民卡爾特克,有著俊美狂野的容貌,在因緣際會下來到日本留學。負責照顧他生活起居的是大學職員稜一郎。稜一郎與卡爾特克一同度過每一天,漸漸受到他的吸引…語言、文化與距離的隔閡,將會如何影響兩人的命運…?作者简介详情
经典好书《Love's Uncertainty》读书内容简介:lores the hopes and anxieties of urban, middle-class parents in contemporary China. Combining long-term ethnographic research...详情
经典好书《China's War Reporters》读书内容简介:na in the summer of 1937, many Chinese journalists greeted the news with euphoria. For years, the Chinese press had urged Chi...详情
经典好书《The Devil's Dinner》读书内容简介:the first authoritative history of chili peppers. There are countless books on cooking with chilies, but no book goes into de...详情
经典好书《世界一初戀~小野寺律的情況~11》读书内容简介:一人氣代表作!★ 傲慢蠻橫的總編輯×逞強好勝的新手編輯之間的臉紅心跳戀愛課程。★ 充滿中村老師個人的獨特作畫風格與搞笑魅力。★ 融合了爆笑與激情的BL漫畫!任職於出版社──丸川書店翡翠編輯部的新...详情
经典好书《Skinner's Box》读书内容简介:Chinese versions of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Silence of the Lambs. Why did he, who murdered his girlfriend's head ...详情
经典好书《A Doll's House》读书内容简介:人民引以自豪的戏剧大师、欧洲近代戏剧新纪元的开创者,他在戏剧史上享有同莎士比亚和莫里哀一样不朽的声誉。易卜生出生于挪威海滨一个小城斯基恩。少年时期,因父亲破产,家道中落,没有进成大学,不满十六岁就到一家药店当学徒。社会的势利,生活的艰辛...详情
经典好书《China's Regulatory State》读书内容简介: Roselyn Hsueh is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Temple University.作者简介详情
经典好书《法国政治史(1958~2012 )》读书内容简介:创建的法兰西第五共和国的政治史进行了系统而又详尽的阐述与分析。作者坚持以叙事为主要题裁,按年代,分阶段,系统地铺陈。在写法上强调以史带论、禹论于史,同时根据“厚今薄古”的原则,描绘出第五共和国政治史的脉络。戴高乐创建的法兰西第五共和国已...详情
经典好书《one man's meat》读书内容简介:ly 11, 1899 – October 1, 1985), usually known as E. B. White, was an American writer. A long-time contributor to The New York...详情