经典好书《The Rise of Confucian Ritualism in Late Imperial China》读书内容简介: argues that the major intellectual trend in China from the seventeenth through to the early nineteenth century was Confucian...详情
经典好书《The Rise Of The Novel》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Obama and China's Rise》读书内容简介:mat and Asia analyst Jeffrey Bader met for the first time with the then-junior U.S. senator from Illinois. When Barack Obama ...详情
经典好书《The Rise of the Robots》读书内容简介:ving cars and big data, smart algorithms and Siri, we know that artificial intelligence is getting smarter every day. Though ...详情
经典好书《The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt》读书内容简介:ago Tribune as "a classic," The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt stands as one of the greatest biographies of our time. The publ...详情
经典好书《The Rise of Endymion》读书内容简介:sion to one of the greatest science fiction sagas of our time The time of reckoning has arrived. As a final genocidal Crusade...详情
经典好书《The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR》读书内容简介:cription Reveals a shift in marketing trends from advertising to publicity, citing the successes of such top brands as...详情
经典好书《The Rise And Fall Of Adolf Hitler》读书内容简介:公司担任驻德记者,期间他亲眼见证希特勒上台并跟随德国军队辗转于各大战场。他将这一时期的新闻传至美国,其激情洋溢的言辞使美国开始对纳粹保持警惕,这使他赢得了皮博迪奖。1960年,他根据亲眼见闻和纳粹被缴获的档案编撰而成的《第三帝国的兴亡》...详情
经典好书《The Poet Zheng Zhen (1806-1864) and the Rise of Chinese Modernity》读书内容简介: (1806-1864) and the Rise of Chinese Modernity, J. D. Schmidt provides the first detailed study in a Western language of one ...详情
经典好书《The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning》读书内容简介:上最杰出的管理思想家之一。加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill)管理学院教授,战略管理学会主席,在欧洲工商管理学院、伦敦商学院、埃克斯一马赛大学、卡内基.梅隆大学和蒙特利尔高等商学院等学校担任访问学者。他曾两次获得《哈佛商业评论》所颁发的年度最佳文章“麦肯...详情