DevOps实践指南 书籍
经典好书《DevOps实践指南》读书内容简介:p>Tripwire创始人、前CTO,IT Revolution创始人,DevOps企业峰会主办人,畅销书《凤凰项目》合著者。Jez HumbleDevOps Research and Assessment公司CTO...详情
经典好书《Little Box of I Love You Postcard》读书内容简介:ake box filled with 40 postcards featuring sweet and humorous visual puns expressing "I love you" taken from "The Little Book...详情
经典好书《The Emperor's New Mind》读书内容简介:e bestselling Chaos and A Brief History of Time, here is a science book with mainstream appeal. Proponents of artificial inte...详情
经典好书《Scikit-Learn与TensorFlow机器学习实用指南(影印版)》读书内容简介:thon框架:Scikit-Learn和TensorFlow,作者Aurélien Géron会帮助你掌握构建智能系统所需要的概念和工具。你将会学习到各种技术,从简单的线性回归及发展到深度神经网络。每章的练习有助于你运用所学到的知识,你只需要有一些编...详情
经典好书《The Robot's Rebellion》读书内容简介: be robots is no longer the stuff of science fiction; decades of research in evolutionary biology and cognitive science have ...详情
经典好书《The Philosopher's Toolkit》读书内容简介:this popular compendium provides the necessary intellectual equipment to engage with and participate in effective philosophic...详情
I, Robot 书籍
经典好书《I, Robot》读书内容简介:tics:1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm2) A robo...详情
实用性阅读指南 书籍
经典好书《实用性阅读指南》读书内容简介:身能力...................※编辑推荐※☆ 每年阅读300本书以上的日本知名讲师,告诉你如何运用“思维导图”“二八法则”“艾宾斯曲线”牢牢掌握每一本书中的知识,让你每一次的读书都不再是无用功。...详情
HTTPS权威指南 书籍
经典好书《HTTPS权威指南》读书内容简介:ć资深安全专家、工程师,开发了开源应用防火墙ModSecurity以及许多SSL/TLS和PKI相关工具,并运营提供Web应用安全测试服务的SSL Labs网站。Ivan Ristić是诸多安全论坛的积极参与者,经常在Black Hat...详情