经典好书《Life Among Indian Tribes》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
Life of Pi 书籍
经典好书《Life of Pi》读书内容简介:高傑作!我是Pi,我和一隻巨無霸的孟加拉虎在太平洋上的一艘救生艇『狹路相逢』,為什麼會這樣?說來話長,就別提了,現在最要緊的是,我要如何對付這隻叫理查•帕克的老虎?
经典好书《The Politics of Life Itself》读书内容简介:e aimed to treat abnormalities. But today normality itself is open to medical modification. Equipped with a new molecular und...详情
经典好书《In Hiding: The Life of Manuel Cortes》读书内容简介:s about that war there cannot be another so brief and yet so complete, so unguarded and yet so subtle, so movingly human as t...详情
经典好书《Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life (EasyRead Edition)》读书内容简介:实现疗法创始人。曾被评为20世纪末,世界上最有影响力的心理学家,美国行为治疗进展协会、美国应用于预防心理学会前主席,著有《接受与实现疗法》和《关系框架理论》。斯宾塞•史密斯,自由作家和编辑。现居美国加利福尼亚圣罗莎者。作者...详情
经典好书《Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life》读书内容简介:p-by step mindfulness and acceptance exercises for effective relief from emotional pain. This book develops acceptance and co...详情
经典好书《Reinventing Your Life》读书内容简介:g)哥伦比亚大学精神病学系教授,纽约图式治疗研究所主任,纽约和康涅狄格认知治疗中心创始人。珍妮特·S.克罗斯科(Janet S. Klosko)纽约州大颈镇长岛认知治疗中心副主任,曼哈顿图式治疗中心和伍德斯托...详情
经典好书《Real Estate Finance》读书内容简介:is based on sound economic and finance principles to promote a greater understanding of how real estate financial markets wor...详情
Life 书籍
经典好书《Life》读书内容简介:s, Keith Richards created the riffs, the lyrics and the songs that roused the world, and over four decades he lived the origi...详情
经典好书《Real Analysis (2nd)》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情