经典好书《The Optimist's Daughter》读书内容简介:lus, Mississippi always felt good about Judge McKelva. He was a quiet, solid reassuring figure, just as a judge should be. Th...详情
经典好书《Géométrie différentielle, variétés, courbes et surfaces》读书内容简介: 作者:(法国)M.贝尔热 (法国)B.戈斯丢M.贝尔热 Marcel Berger(1927 ),著名的法国数学家,法国微分几何老前辈。曾任法国科学高等研究所(1HES)所长。贝尔热教授撰写过多本成功的几何著作,并以书中的精巧论述而见长。作者简介详情
K-Theory 书籍
经典好书《K-Theory》读书内容简介:oubi’s classic K-Theory, An Introduction … is ‘to provide advanced students and mathematicians in other fields with the funda...详情
经典好书《C++ Strategies and Tactics (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)》读书内容简介: rules for how the pieces move is simply the first step; to master the game, you must understand the strategies and tactics t...详情
经典好书《xxxHOLiC ANOTHERHOLiC藍氏C型視力環》读书内容简介:』的奇蹟組合!由西尾維新執筆挑戰《xxxHOLiC》與《死亡筆記本》小說化工作!原創故事小說化工作的維新之人——西尾維新!人、人類;人類才是這個世界上最為不可思議的生物——「……無論你多麼殷切地期盼再見到某人一面,Human being...详情
经典好书《Lunatic Lover's (Spanish Edition)》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《b-boy ドS vol.5 はずかし剃毛プレイ特集》读书内容简介:……ドSでドエロでド傲慢なハイパーラブ&エロス!!なにも生えてないアソコ、じっと見られて恥ずかしいのに感じちゃう…!【表紙】五城タイガ【執筆陣予定】五城タイガ、山本アタル、はらだ、厘てく、国枝彩...详情
经典好书《The Predator's Ball》读书内容简介:el Milken at Drexel Burnham created the corporate raiders. He was the billionaire Junk Bond King. But, in the corner stood th...详情
经典好书《The Cuckoo's Egg》读书内容简介:came widely known as a global tool for terrorists, one perceptive U.S. citizen recognized its ominous potential. Armed with c...详情
R in Action 书籍
经典好书《R in Action》读书内容简介:or statistical computing and graphics. Unlike general purpose programming languages, R speaks the language of data analysis. ...详情