经典好书《Why I Am Not A Christian?》读书内容简介:an is considered one of the most blasphemous philosophical documents ever written, and at a time when we have faith schools a...详情
I, Me, Mine 书籍
经典好书《I, Me, Mine》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
I"s (1) 书籍
经典好书《I"s (1)》读书内容简介:于画到终结。《I’s》口碑虽不及高峰作《电影少女》,但女主角苇月伊织的出「色」程度,简直比过去更「夸」前了一大步。究竟桂正和的漫画是否只有独孤「咸」一味?抑或只是用「色」,去包装他的深「情」一面呢?《I’s》中,没有科幻世界,只讲校园爱...详情
经典好书《George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones 4-Book Boxed Set》读书内容简介:A Song of Ice and Fire series has become, in many ways, the gold standard for modern epic fantasy. Martin—dubbed the “America...详情
经典好书《Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner》读书内容简介:ons on contemporary mathematicians and physicists, from David Hilbert to Richard Feynman." --American Scientist One of...详情
经典好书《Batman:I Joker》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Partial Differential Equations I》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《I Contain Multitudes》读书内容简介:elously informative “microbe’s-eye view” of the world that reveals a radically reconceived picture of life on earth.Fo...详情
I.Q.博士(18) 书籍
经典好书《I.Q.博士(18)》读书内容简介:本爱知县人,生于1955年4月5日。 1974年从县立工业高中设计科毕业,进了一家广告设计公司,从事设计工作。由于他经常迟到,只干了3年就辞职了。有一天,他在茶馆里看见『少年跳跃』周刊,被漫画征稿的奖金吸引住了,满心欢喜地把应征稿...详情