经典好书《[Web開発者のための]大規模サービス技術入門 ―データ構造、メモリ、OS、DB、サーバ/インフラ (WEB+DB PRESS plusシリーズ)》读书内容简介: Hatena株式会社董事兼CTO。合著作有《BlogHacks(0‘Reilly Japan)、《“24小时365天”服务器/基础设施的支撑技术》(技术评论社)。曾获情报处理学会主办的“Software Japan 2009”的Softwar...详情
经典好书《A Free and Responsible Press》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《AI Techniques for Game Programming (The Premier Press Game Development Series)》读书内容简介:e Programming" takes the difficult topics of genetic algorithms and neural networks and explains them in plain English. Gone ...详情
经典好书《Four Theories of the Press》读书内容简介: four major theories behind the functioning of the world's presses: (1) the Authoritarian theory; (2) the Libertarian theory;...详情
经典好书《Game Scripting Mastery (Premier Press Game Development (Paperback))》读书内容简介: you realize the importance of creating stunningly realistic characters and captivating plots? players should lose themselves...详情
经典好书《Death from a top hat (The Gregg Press mystery fiction series)》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives, Third Edition (Academic Press Advanced Finance)》读书内容简介:spected textbook continues the tradition of providing clear and concise explanations for fixed income securities, pricing, an...详情
经典好书《外教社词动力·Townsend Press英语词汇学习丛书:英语词汇突破》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Principles of Financial Engineering (Academic Press Advanced Finance)》读书内容简介:ih Neftci presents a fresh, original, informative, and up-to-date introduction to financial engineering. The book offers clea...详情
经典好书《A Behavioral Approach to Asset Pricing (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)》读书内容简介:列维商学院的金融学Mario Belotti讲座教授。他是当前世界上从事行为金融研究的顶尖学者之一,在这个领域内,他发表了大量原创性的研究。他的文章见诸于《金融学期刊》、《金融经济学期刊》、《金融研究评论》、《金融和数量分析期刊》、《金...详情