经典好书《On Becoming a Person》读书内容简介:著名心理学家,人本心理学的创始人。他认为人性本善,有自我实现的发展潜力;他创立的“当事人中心疗法”主张心理治疗师要有真诚关怀当事人的感情,在真诚和谐的关系中启发当事人运用自我发展潜力促进自身的健康成长,增强自信心。 罗杰斯的心理疗法在当今欧美各国...详情
经典好书《The Highly Sensitive Person》读书内容简介:tive person?Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and w...详情
经典好书《What to Ask the Person in the Mirror》读书内容简介:w that leadership is less often about having all the answers and more often about asking the right questions. The challenge l...详情
经典好书《First Person Singular》读书内容简介:英国小说家、剧作家、散文家、文艺评论家,20 世纪英国最重要、最知名的作家之一。毛姆一生著作甚丰,无论是小说、剧本、评论、随笔、游记还是回忆录都广受好评,代表作有《人性的枷锁》《月亮与六便士》《寻欢作乐》《刀锋》《面纱》等。他的小说机智、幽默,常在讥...详情
经典好书《How Many Friends Does One Person Need?》读书内容简介:,Magdalen学院研究员。他的主要研究领域是社会遗传学。他于1998年当选为英国针会科学院的成员。 他已经出版的图书包括《科学的烦恼》(TheTrouble with Science),《仪容,八卦与语言的进化》(GROOMING GOSSIP ...详情
经典好书《The Second-Person Standpoint》读书内容简介:oing moral wrong? The inability of philosophy to answer this question in a compelling manner--along with the moral skepticism...详情
经典好书《First Person Singular》读书内容简介:ion of short stories from the beloved, internationally acclaimed Haruki Murakami.The eight masterful stories in this n...详情
经典好书《First Person Singular》读书内容简介:ection of short stories from the unique, internationally acclaimed author of Norwegian Wood and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.</...详情
经典好书《The Second-Person Standpoint》读书内容简介:ing moral wrong? The inability of philosophy to answer this question in a compelling manner - along with the moral skepticism...详情
经典好书《Person-to-Person Astrology》读书内容简介:f energy based on the ancient “four elements” and in harmony with that used by the more advanced healing arts, renowned autho...详情