经典好书《The Engaged Sociologist Connecting the Classroom to the Community》读书内容简介:leen Odell Korgen)美國威廉帕特森大學(William Paterson University)社會學教授,專長領域為種族關係、種族認同、公共社會學。編著Sociologists in Action、Multiracia...详情
经典好书《Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence》读书内容简介: 丹尼斯·劳埃德(Dennis Lloyd, 1916-1992)。作者简介详情
经典好书《How Not to Write a Novel》读书内容简介:my fiction book writing?" the aspiring novelist extorted. "Darn," the editor hectored, in turn. "I can not publish your n...详情
经典好书《A Complete Guide to the Futures Market》读书内容简介:拥有传奇经历的资深交易员。广受欢迎的投资交易领域作者。FundSeeder公司的共同创始人,该公司是基于网络的技术和投资企业,帮助在未被发现的交易人才和投资资本来源之间建立互联。他创作了多部广受好评的金融书籍,包括《市场奇才》系列和《市场意识和无意识...详情
经典好书《A Walk to Remember》读书内容简介:the world was sweeter....when the women in Beaufort, North Carolina, wore dresses, and the men donned hats.... Every April, w...详情
经典好书《Quite a Good Time to Be Born》读书内容简介:— ),生于伦敦,早年就读于伦敦大学,伯明翰大学博士,英国皇家文学院院士,以文学贡献获得不列颠帝国勋章和法国文艺骑士勋章。从 1960年起,执教于伯明翰大学英语系,1987年退职从事创作,兼伯明翰大学现代英国文学荣誉教授。代表作有《换位》、《小世界...详情
经典好书《The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Mind》读书内容简介: specially commissioned chapters by leading scholars, this comprehensive volume presents an up-to-date survey of the central ...详情
经典好书《Short Guide to Writing About Psychology》读书内容简介:PA-style guidelines, this concise guide helps readers master the skills and conventions they need to write wellin psychology ...详情
经典好书《Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them》读书内容简介:riting debut is captured in this exciting hardcover edition of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them screenplay....详情
经典好书《Introduction to Linear Algebra, Fourth Edition》读书内容简介:ooks have changed the entire approach to learning linear algebra -- away from abstract vector spaces to specific examples of ...详情