经典好书《Sketch for a Self-Analysis》读书内容简介:ography.′*Pierre Bourdieu′s commitment to a reflexive sociology led him ineluctably to take on the final challenge of ...详情
经典好书《A Hero of Our Time》读书内容简介:st example of the psychological novel in Russia, A Hero of Our Time influenced Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov, and other...详情
经典好书《A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition》读书内容简介:授,她结合数十年来对学生的论文写作的指导工作和论文格式规范的研究经验,写出《芝加哥大学论文写作指南》一书,并于1937年出版,目前,该书已成为全美乃至全球学生、教师及研究者必备的论文写作参考书,也成为编辑、出版人出版格式和体例的参考书。多年来经过数次...详情
经典好书《A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Eighth Edition》读书内容简介:enty-five years ago, Kate L. Turabian drafted a set of guidelines to help students understand how to write, cite, and formall...详情
经典好书《A Little Princess》读书内容简介:rt-warming rags-to-riches tale of Sara Crewe, whose grace and generosity endure through happy times and sad. A beloved classi...详情
经典好书《Battlefield Earth a Saga of the Year 3000》读书内容简介: (1911-1986),二十世纪最受欢迎、最多产、影响最广泛的畅销书作家。作者简介详情
玛法达的世界 全集A 书籍
经典好书《玛法达的世界 全集A》读书内容简介:漫画《玛法达的世界》描绘了一群生活在60年代后期的阿根廷中下层社会孩童的生活。他们家庭背景不同,主张、性格各异,他们凑到一起时或高谈阔论,或为生活小事争执不休,常常热闹得一塌糊涂,笑料百出。这些漫画里的一群小东西,都是街坊邻居,玛法达常...详情
外国现代派作品选(A卷) 书籍
经典好书《A Thousand Splendid Suns》读书内容简介: New York Times bestseller list and with four million copies of The Kite Runner shipped, Khaled Hosseini returns with a beaut...详情
经典好书《My Life as a Man》读书内容简介: 菲利普·罗斯(1933- ),美国著名犹太作家作者简介详情