经典好书《The Family Of Man》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Age of Irreverence》读书内容简介: tells the story of why China’s entry into the modern age was not just traumatic, but uproarious. As the Qing dynasty slumped...详情
经典好书《Theory and Philosophy of Art》读书内容简介:Meyer Schapiro's Selected Papers contains his most important writings on the theory and philosophy of art. His highly lucid a...详情
经典好书《The Painting of Modern Life》读书内容简介: and 1870s was supposedly a brand-new city, equipped with boulevards, cafes, parks, and suburban pleasure grounds - the birth...详情
经典好书《The Painting of Modern Life》读书内容简介: and 1870s was supposedly a brand-new city, equipped with boulevards, cafés, parks, and suburban pleasure grounds--the birthp...详情
经典好书《The Painting of Modern Life》读书内容简介:,艺术社会史研究的杰出代表。早年就读于剑桥大学圣约翰学院,30岁时在伦敦大学考陶尔德艺术研究院获得美术史博士学位,同年出版《人民的形象》和《绝对的资产阶级》(1973),立刻被公认为英语国家“新艺术史”的杰作。在英国多所大学任 教后,年仅37岁的他就...详情
经典好书《Say You're One of Them》读书内容简介:尼日利亚。2003年被任命为耶稣会神父,开始利用夜间写作,三年后于密歇根大学取得“创作”硕士学位。2007年任教于津巴布韦的哈拉雷学院。他走遍半个地球,人生经历多彩多姿。《就说你和他们一样》为作者第一部小说,一经出版立即轰动全球,获奖无数。<...详情
经典好书《The Story of Music》读书内容简介:d Goodall)生於1958年,英國當代炙手可熱的作曲家,專長是創作音樂劇、合唱曲和電視配樂。曾獲艾美獎(Emmy)、古典全英音樂獎(BRIT)和英國電影與電視藝術學院獎(BAFTA)等殊榮。於BBC策畫並主持《音樂的...详情
经典好书《I Served the King of England》读书内容简介:Bohumil Hrabal在本書中敘述著一個懷有無窮夢想的小人物的故事。一個餐廳服務員,一心想成為「伺候過英國國王」的領班那樣的人物。他辛勤工作卻不時遭到不公的貶抑與誣衊。直到有天他終於如願以償了,諷刺的是,這個願望竟然是在拘留所裡實現的……本書勾...详情
经典好书《The Theory of the Grain of Sand》读书内容简介:mes to Brüsel to sell some jewelry, but before the sale can be closed, Khan dies in an accident. Thus begins events sparking ...详情