经典好书《NIGHTS BEFORE NIGHT》读书内容简介:名&「2019年度BL大賞」最佳漫畫第4名!★新銳作家ナツメカズキ,萬眾矚目的續作強勢推出!!!★限量特裝版同步上市!失眠的夜晚終於迎來終結——描寫了悲哀男人們之間的愛情與救贖,ナ...详情
经典好书《NIGHT MILK HEADS夜亂情迷》读书内容简介: 八雲昌是個貧窮的大學生,他在陰錯陽差之下,進入專門服務男性的牛郎店擔任工作人員,並在那裡遇到了NO.1紅牌「燕」。燕非常任性,又常常刁難新進工作人員,所以昌原本很不想和燕接觸,可是在工作的過程中,昌看到燕對客人一直很盡心盡力地服務,因此漸漸對他改觀…作者简介详情
经典好书《West with the Night》读书内容简介: engrossing story of a marvelous life well lived. Markham describes her childhood in Kenya and her experiences as a bush pilo...详情
经典好书《The Night Battles》读书内容简介:),意大利著名历史学家,“微观史学”的先驱。1939年生,1961年获得比萨大学文学博士学位,并在博洛尼亚大学等多所意大利大学任教,1988年起任加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校教授,研究领域为意大利文艺复兴史与欧洲近代早期史。主要代表作品为:《奶酪与蛆虫—...详情
经典好书《How to Make Love All Night》读书内容简介:oung, experienced or not, anyone can achieve levels of fulfillment and satisfaction never before thought possible.Sex therapi...详情
经典好书《There's Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night》读书内容简介:ster of cave dwellings in Shanxi province, There's Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night is a genre-defying exp...详情
经典好书《がるぐる!〈上〉 Dancing Beast Night》读书内容简介:クレタ事、感謝スルヨ。今日ノ話ハ実ニ単純ナ話サ。男ト女。ボーイミーツガール!物語ノ基本ダロウ?殺人鬼デアル少年ト出会ッタノハ、自称名探偵ノ不思議ナ少女。ソンナ2人ノ滑稽ナダンス。ソレガ今回ノ物語サ。単純ダロウ?…彼ラハ一体、誰ノ掌ノ上デ踊ルンダロウネ...详情
Night 书籍
经典好书《Night》读书内容简介:account of the Nazi death camp horror that turns a young Jewish boy into an agonized witness to the death of his family...the...详情
经典好书《How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?》读书内容简介:e homes of dinosaur babies and their parents at bedtime. 'How does a dinosaur say good night when Papa comes in to turn off ...详情
经典好书《The Night Of The Wolf》读书内容简介: superb tales by today's master of the seemingly impossible crime, the Frenchman Paul Halter. Coffins dancing in a hermetical...详情