经典好书《Summer of Night》读书内容简介:伊利諾州。長篇小說處女作《迦梨之歌》一舉為他拿下一九八六年的「世界奇幻獎」、《腐肉解饑》接連摘下恐怖類型最高榮譽「布拉姆.史鐸克獎」、《軌跡》雜誌讀者票選獎恐怖小說類,以及「英倫奇幻獎」的桂冠。《海柏利昂》及《海柏利昂的殞落》雙料榮獲「雨果獎」。《極...详情
经典好书《The Order of Time》读书内容简介:uthor of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, a concise, elegant exploration of time.Why do we remember the past and not th...详情
经典好书《ELITE NIGHT》读书内容简介:夏日,幾乎沒有拍攝經驗的亞亞,在偶然的介紹下來到晏人物工作室。在大醫院忙碌工作的他,厚壯體魄、深情眼神和溫馴大狗狗一樣的犬鼻,平日完全掩蓋在口罩和寬鬆的醫師袍下。透過攝影師的眼睛和鏡頭,亞亞溫柔暖男的輪廓中隱藏的反骨與傲氣...详情
经典好书《Time and the Other》读书内容简介:assic in the field that changed the way anthropologists relate to their subjects and is of immense value not only to anthropo...详情
经典好书《House of Day, House of Night》读书内容简介:own in Silesia, a region that has at times been part of Poland, Germany, and the former Czechoslovakia. When the narrator of ...详情
TIME单挑1000 书籍
经典好书《Time Series Analysis and Its Applications》读书内容简介:nd Its Applications presents a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both time and frequency domain methods with accompanyi...详情
经典好书《Philosophy in a Time of Terror》读书内容简介:hy in a Time of Terror" was born hours after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and came to realization just weeks later when Giov...详情
经典好书《Love in the Time of Cholera》读书内容简介:ever forgotten his first love. He has waited nearly a lifetime in silence since his beloved Fermina married another man. No w...详情
经典好书《Cinema 2 : The Time-Image》读书内容简介:巴黎,1944年中学毕业后就读于巴黎索邦大学哲学系,1952年发表处女作《休谟及其生活、著作和哲学》,1957年任索邦大学哲学史助教,1960年任法国国家科学研究中心研究专员,1964-1969年任里昂学院哲学教师,1969年接替米歇尔・福柯,任巴黎...详情