经典好书《Into the Night》读书内容简介:rich一九零三年十二月四日诞生于纽约,悬疑小说大师、“黑色电影之父”,二十世纪二十年代在哥伦比亚大学时开始小说创作,视F.S.菲茨杰拉德为标杆。三十年代起转型尝试写作中短篇悬疑小说,四十年代起开始出版长篇作品,写出《后窗》、《深渊中的...详情
经典好书《Love in a Blue Time》读书内容简介:说、舞台剧剧本、电视电影剧本等。是继萨尔曼·拉什迪后在世界文坛成就重大影响的亚裔作家。早期作品中的幽默反讽享誉世界,近作对情欲与两性冲突的探讨充满了深情,以幽默、脱俗、前卫的风格被公认为当今世界文坛最富魅力的作家之一。代表作有惠特布莱德文学奖获奖作《...详情
经典好书《Blackest Night》读书内容简介:Geoff Johns (GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO CORPS WAR, THE FLASH, ACTION COMICS, JSA) and superstar artist Ivan Reis raise the dead ...详情
经典好书《The Color of Time》读书内容简介:ns more than a hundred years of world history from the reign of Queen Victoria and the US Civil War to the Cuban Missile Cris...详情
经典好书《The Colour of Time》读书内容简介:ury, many of the most celebrated moments and personalities in modern history—from Gettysburg to Hiroshima, and from Lincoln t...详情
经典好书《HARD TIME DEADLOCK外伝》读书内容简介: ロス市警の刑事・ダグは、ある朝、見知らぬ男のベッドで目を覚まして愕然!!そんな中発生した殺人事件の重要参考人として、ベッドの主・ルイスの名が浮上して!作者简介详情
经典好书《Twelfth Night》读书内容简介:based on the best early printed version of the play • Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the ...详情
经典好书《No Ordinary Time》读书内容简介: monumental work, a brilliantly conceived chronicle of one of the most vibrant and revolutionary periods in the history of th...详情
经典好书《No Ordinary Time》读书内容简介:a monumental work, a brilliantly conceived chronicle of one of the most vibrant and revolutionary periods in the history of ...详情
经典好书《No Ordinary Time》读书内容简介: Prize for History, No Ordinary Time is a monumental work, a brilliantly conceived chronicle of one of the most vibrant and r...详情