经典好书《Essays on the Gita, New U.S. Paperback Ed.》读书内容简介:“三圣”(圣雄甘地、圣诗泰戈尔、圣哲阿罗频多)之一,居印度近代以来最著名的精神哲学家之列。民族主义者,自由斗士,诗人,哲学家,瑜伽修行者。 7岁就去英国求学,毕业于剑桥大学。21岁时回国,开始研究本土文化,渐渐参加独立运动。到34岁已为名教授而被...详情
经典好书《New Media, Old Media》读书内容简介: is a comprehensive anthology of original and classic essays that explore the tensions of old and new in digital culture. Lea...详情
经典好书《A New Handbook of Political Science》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged》读书内容简介:bster is America's foremost publisher of language-related reference works. The company publishes a diverse array of print and...详情
经典好书《The Canon of the New Testament》读书内容简介:ormation from Church history concerning the recognition of the canonical status of the several books of the New Testament. Ca...详情
经典好书《The New World》读书内容简介:he British cartoonist Chris Reynolds has been assembling a world all his own. On the surface, it seems much like ours: a plac...详情
经典好书《The Age of Wild Ghosts》读书内容简介:erful and imaginative ethnography, a rural minority community in the mountains of Southwest China struggles to find its place...详情
经典好书《The Age of Impeachment》读书内容简介:家,北伊利诺伊大学历史系知名教授,出版及编辑了十本著作,其中包括《明确真实的行为:修订美国宪法(1776-1995)》(Explicit and Authentic Acts: Amending the U.S. Constitution, 1776...详情
经典好书《Brand New Friend》读书内容简介:年出生于英国伯明翰。目前为自由新闻工作者,曾是两性关系专栏作家,为许多知名杂志撰稿。其作品以男性的视角,从都市男女情感的层面切人,将社会给予男性的责任、女性寄予男性的期待及由此给男人带来的不安全感和恐惧感等,进行了细致入微的刻画,让人一窥男性内心的私...详情
经典好书《Brand New Friend》读书内容简介:asks him to leave London and live with her in Manchester not only will it mean moving cities, it'll also mean leaving behind ...详情