经典好书《He Wouldn't Kill Patience》读书内容简介:p>史上最伟大的推理小说作家之一,举世公认的“密室推理之王”。其小说素以公平著称,线索隐蔽,解答惊人,具有超乎寻常的逻辑性、趣味性。他一生共设计了超过五十种密室,几乎每个都是构思精巧、无以复加;又兼其小说一贯具有的浓郁哥特风格,以及其谋篇布局的...详情
经典好书《Les règles de l'art》读书内容简介:u)是法国当代著名的社会学家。他1954年毕业于巴黎高等师范学院。1960年在巴黎大学人文学院担任助教,曾担任阿隆的助手。后在里尔大学任教3年。从1968年起,但任欧洲社会学中心主任至今。1982年成为法兰西学院唯一的一名社会学教授。主要著作包括《实...详情
经典好书《H. R. Giger's Necronomicon》读书内容简介: book of his artwork. Dark, erotic and disturbing, Giger's work is among the most brilliant fantasy art of the century. This ...详情
经典好书《Nana, Vol. 10 (v. 10)》读书内容简介: isn't as wonderful as Hachi thought it would be. She has a trendy new apartment, but she's isolated from all her friends and...详情
经典好书《Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus》读书内容简介: the bus temporarily, he gives the reader just one instruction: "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus!" But, boy, that pigeon t...详情
经典好书《Why Don't Students Like School?》读书内容简介:fically-based approaches for engaging students in the classroom Cognitive scientist Dan Willingham focuses his acclaim...详情
万能鑑定士Qの事件簿V 书籍
经典好书《Can't and Won't》读书内容简介:hor of one novel and seven story collections, the most recent of which was a finalist for the 2007 National Book Award. She i...详情
经典好书《L'Âge d'homme / De la littérature considérée comme une tauromachie》读书内容简介:习化学,“一战”后混迹于巴黎“疯狂年代” 的酒吧、俱乐部,成为欧洲第一批接受爵士乐的知识分子,结识诗人马克斯·雅各布和 画家安德烈·马松,加入超现实主义运动。受弗洛伊德影响,开始了语言与梦境中徘徊 的诗歌实验。1926 年娶了画商康维莱尔的养女,从此...详情
经典好书《Saiyukiden n.1》读书内容简介:in Occidente". Uno dei 4 grandi classici della letteratura cinese, tradotto in numerose lingue e con una serie di rielaborazi...详情