经典好书《This is Your Brain on Music Understanding a Human Obsession》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
Yellow Music 书籍
经典好书《Yellow Music》读书内容简介:first history of the emergence of Chinese popular music and the larger urban media culture with which it was closely associat...详情
经典好书《The Night and The Music》读书内容简介:/p>1938年生于美国布法罗,当代欧美硬汉派侦探小说代表作家。他的许多作品以苍凉不安、危机四伏的纽约为背景,被誉为“纽约犯罪风景的吟游诗人”。布洛克曾多次获得爱伦·坡奖、夏姆斯奖、马耳他之鹰奖,并且得到了美国推理作家协会颁发的终...详情
经典好书《The Music of the Primes》读书内容简介:ritically-acclaimed popular science book by a writer who is fast becoming a celebrity mathematician. Prime numbers are the v...详情
经典好书《A Composer's Guide to Game Music》读书内容简介:s often a sophisticated, complex composition that serves to engage the player, set the pace of play, and aid interactivity. C...详情
经典好书《Romantic Music》读书内容简介:),美国当代著名音乐学家,主要研究领域为十八世纪晚期和十九世纪的西方音乐。1959年获得密歇根州立大学钢琴演奏硕士学位,1964年获得耶鲁大学音乐史博士学位。自1963年起任教于耶鲁大学音乐系并曾担任系主任,2005年退休后成为荣休教授,并任耶鲁大学...详情
经典好书《The New Music》读书内容简介:n of his guide to the more adventurous evolutions of music since 1945, Reginald Smith Brindle has added a new chapter reviewi...详情
经典好书《The Concise Oxford History of Music》读书内容简介:员;国家图书馆学术委员会委员、 国家图书馆外文采编部主任;国际图联编目专业常设委员会委员、中国图书馆学会资源建设与共享专业委员会副主任;第八届中华全国青年联合会委员、第一和第二届中央国家机关青年联合会委员;中国翻译协会第五届全国理事会理事、专家会员;...详情
经典好书《The Haskell School of Music》读书内容简介:tional programming through creative applications in music and sound synthesis. Readers will learn the Haskell programming lan...详情
经典好书《THIS BUSINESS OF MUSIC 10 EDITION》读书内容简介: industry which is now in its tenth edition, "This Business of Music" has been revised and completely updated to reflect the ...详情