经典好书《Poetry and the age》读书内容简介:e critic whose taste defined American poetry after World War II. Poetry and the Age, his first collection of criticism, was p...详情
经典好书《The Gunpowder Age》读书内容简介:unpowder and began exploring its military uses as early as the 900s, four centuries before the technology passed to the West....详情
经典好书《The Unicorn Murders (Sir Henry Merrivale Golden Age Classic)》读书内容简介:p>史上最伟大的推理小说作家之一,举世公认的“密室推理之王”。其小说素以公平著称,线索隐蔽,解答惊人,具有超乎寻常的逻辑性、趣味性。他一生共设计了超过五十种密室,几乎每个都是构思精巧、无以复加;又兼其小说一贯具有的浓郁哥特风格,以及其谋篇布局的...详情
经典好书《act-age 新世代演员 01》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《君が望む永遠 MEMORIAL ART BOOK Age official》读书内容简介: アージュが放った渾身の恋愛AVG『君が望む永遠』。その現存する原画&着彩見本すべてを網羅し、特製クリアケースにてお届けします。描き下ろしの表紙ほか、バカ王子ペルシャ氏のイラストも満載です。作者简介详情
经典好书《Computer Age Statistical Inference》读书内容简介:ry has seen a breathtaking expansion of statistical methodology, both in scope and in influence. 'Big data', 'data science', ...详情
经典好书《Stone Age Economics》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Age of the Unthinkable》读书内容简介:hat made America great imperil its future. Our plans go awry and policies fail. History's grandest war against terrorism crea...详情
经典好书《Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece》读书内容简介: Greek science, this fascinating book by an eminent science historian also provides a lucid account of ancient and early Gree...详情
经典好书《Age of Ultron》读书内容简介:r. Submit or perish, because the Age of Ultron has arrived! The artificial intelligence known as Ultron has fought for years ...详情