经典好书《從早到晚與從今以後 p.s.》读书内容简介:常。★兩人之間有了第三者!? 喵星人可愛登場!★同時收錄52頁老闆與偶像瞬的特別篇,超搶戲!天生雞婆的主廚開人與初出茅蘆的藝術製作人伊介,開始同居至今已經邁入第六個年頭。雖然一如往...详情
经典好书《Death at the President's Lodging》读书内容简介:英国作家、教育家及学者,毕业于牛津大学,主修英国文学,分别以笔名和本名发表长短篇小说、剧本、评论及学术专著等。他在澳大利亚大学任教时,开始创作推理小说。他的作品除了线索众多、充满奇趣的情节设计之外,还涉及丰富的文学典故。 代表作《校长宿舍谋杀案...详情
经典好书《Sophie's Choice》读书内容简介:,一九二五年生于弗吉尼亚州,毕业于杜克大学,曾在美国海军陆战队服役,被誉为继海明威和福克纳之后最伟大的作家之一。一九五一年,长篇小说处女作《躺在黑暗中》一问世就获得美国文学艺术学会的大奖。一九六七年的《纳特·特那的自白》为其赢得当年的普利策文学奖。一...详情
经典好书《Gravity's Rainbow》读书内容简介:ional Book Award, Gravity's Rainbow is a postmodern epic, a work as exhaustively significant to the second half of the twenti...详情
经典好书《《There's a dark dark wood inside my head》》读书内容简介:dreaming is that you don’t really need to wait for it to come true,just go through life imaging it, hoping it, wanting...详情
经典好书《Can't and Won't》读书内容简介:hor of one novel and seven story collections, the most recent of which was a finalist for the 2007 National Book Award. She i...详情
经典好书《Leo Strauss On Plato's Symposium》读书内容简介:auss presents a coherent and complete interpretation of Plato's "Symposium", proceeding by meticulous reading, from beginning...详情
经典好书《The Way We Live Now (Oxford World's Classics)》读书内容简介:e for posterity,' observed Henry James. 'He wrote for the day, the moment; but these are just the writers whom posterity is a...详情
经典好书《England's Dreaming》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情