经典好书《Crime, Punishment, and the Prison in Modern China, 1895-1949》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Gourmets in the Land of Famine》读书内容简介:s of rice in Canton, this book sheds new light on the local history of the city and illuminates how China's struggles with fo...详情
经典好书《Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual》读书内容简介:uch magnitude and depth that it may even contribute to that most difficult of tasks, defining myth, ritual, and religion. . [...详情
经典好书《Autonomy, Ethnicity, and Poverty in Southwestern China》读书内容简介:hes out to ethnic communities in three different channels of autonomy, ethnicity, and poverty. However, each of these channe...详情
经典好书《Theoretical Logic in Sociology》读书内容简介: 杰弗里·C.亚历山大(Jeffrey C.A1exander),美国当代著名社会学家,耶鲁大学社会学教授,主要研究领域为社会思想史、知识社会学、政治学等。其他论著有《行动及其环境》、《新功能主义及其后》和《社会生活的意义》等。作者简介详情
经典好书《The "Higher Law" Background of American Constitutional Law》读书内容简介:vely on various aspects of the American constitutional order, Edward S Corwin is considered a leading constitutional scholar ...详情
经典好书《Travels in China》读书内容简介: travelled in China as part of a small delegation of distinguished French philosophers and literary figures. They arrived in ...详情
经典好书《Power, Politics, and Tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Ilkhanate of Iran》读书内容简介:new interpretation of how political authority was conceived and transmitted in the Early Mongol Empire (1227-1259) and its su...详情
经典好书《Commodity and Exchange in the Mongol Empire》读书内容简介:ury the Mongols created a vast, transcontinental empire that intensified commercial and cultural contact throughout Eurasia. ...详情
经典好书《In a Free State》读书内容简介: our boundariless, post-colonial world more acutely or prophetically than V. S. Naipaul, or given its upheavals such a haunti...详情