经典好书《Designing the Moment》读书内容简介:http://www.peachpit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0321535081http://www.amazon.com/Designing-Moment-Interface-Design-C...详情
经典好书《Le moment machiavélien》读书内容简介: 波考克(J.G.A. Pocock,1924— ),英国政治思想史学家,霍普金斯大学历史学教授。著作包括《詹姆斯·哈灵顿的政治著作》、《美德、商业与历史》、《野蛮与宗教》等。作者简介详情
经典好书《Tyranny of the Moment》读书内容简介: of the Moment, I found myself both charmed and challenged. The subject is an important one, and Thomas Hylland Eriksen han...详情
经典好书《The Moment of Clarity》读书内容简介:type of problem solving. Why? Because they are getting people wrong.Traditional problem-solving methods taught in busi...详情
经典好书《The Click Moment》读书内容简介: Frans Johansson, author of "The Medici Effect", shows how to stay ahead when you can't predict the future Success is random....详情
经典好书《The Wilsonian Moment》读书内容简介: Conference of 1919, while key decisions were debated by the victorious Allied powers, a multitude of smaller nations and col...详情
经典好书《The Wilsonian Moment》读书内容简介: Conference of 1919, while key decisions were debated by the victorious Allied powers, a multitude of smaller nations and col...详情
经典好书《The Machiavellian Moment》读书内容简介:ent" is a classic study of the consequences for modern historical and social consciousness of the ideal of the classical repu...详情
经典好书《The Moment of Lift》读书内容简介:琳达·盖茨基金会联席主席,毕生致力于全面促进家庭、社区和社会的健康与繁荣。她工作的核心,是为女性及女孩增权赋能、帮助她们充分实现自我潜能。2015年,梅琳达创立了以投资、孵化初创企业为主营业务的Pivotal Ventures,得以将她在美国倡导的另...详情
经典好书《Moment in Peking》读书内容简介:26日),福建龙溪人。原名和乐,后改玉堂,又改语堂。1912年入上海圣约翰大学,毕业后在清华大学任教。1919年秋赴美哈佛大学文学系。1922年获文学硕士学位。同年转赴德国入莱比锡大学,专攻语言学。1923年获博士学位后回国,任北京大学教授、北京女子...详情