经典好书《A Room with a View》读书内容简介:r prim and proper cousin Charlotte as a chaperone, Lucy Honeychurch meets the unconventional lower-class Mr. Emerson and his ...详情
经典好书《A Room with a View》读书内容简介: introduction by Mona Simpson作者简介爱·摩·福斯特(1879-1970)是20世纪享有世界声誉的小说家,他的代表作有《印度之行》、《看得见风景的房间》等。详情
经典好书《A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4)》读书内容简介:work continues the most ambitious and imaginative epic fantasy since "The Lord of the Rings". Bloodthirsty, treacherous and c...详情
经典好书《My Little Ikigai Journal: A Journey into the Japanese Secret to Living a Long, Happy, Purpose-Filled Life》读书内容简介:lp you unlock the secret to health and happinessYou can eat healthy, stay active, and keep stress under control but still be ...详情
经典好书《Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (A Marketplace Book)》读书内容简介:my interviews with over 30 of the best traders of our time, there were some questions that I raised in each conversation. One...详情
影片剧情摘要:术入侵中原,掳去徽、钦二帝。南宋元帅领兵抗金。岳飞为保宋高宗等人,被困牛头山。金兀术攻山未果,决定派二太子金弹子、三公主银铃子和张兆奴化装岳家军,准备偷袭岳家庄掳岳母,迫使岳飞投降。 岳飞长子岳云见牛头山告急,瞒过祖母,夜奔牛头山。不...详情
影片剧情摘要:院诊断为先天性“差时症”,临床表现为很短的时间却感觉极其漫长,甚至永无止境,医学界尚无治疗的办法。 李献计在 “差时症”的困扰中慢慢长大,原本短暂的童年显得格外漫长和痛苦,直到1995年,13岁的李献计迷上了电脑游戏,“差时症”对他的...详情
影片剧情摘要:胞胎姐姐邢慧分离,她和男友沙青为了找回邢慧用尽了各种努力。 在这过程中邢潇邂逅了陈永霖。好奇和悲悯让陈永霖介入了沙青和邢潇的生活。 当他陷入邢潇的情网之后,才发现,这只是一个处处设防,步步惊心的迷局。 ...详情