Why I Write 书籍
经典好书《Why I Write》读书内容简介:n of an English administrator stationed in India (in the "Opium Department"), Orwell (born Eric Blair) returned to Henley-on-...详情
经典好书《L'étrange voyage de Monsieur Daldry》读书内容简介: 马克•李维:全世界拥有最多读者的法国作家,作品热销全球45国,累计销量超过27000000册,连续12年蝉联“法国最畅销作家”,被称为法国的丹•布朗,已在中国出版畅销书《偷影子的人》。作者简介详情
经典好书《How We Know What Isn't So》读书内容简介:Sports fans who think that basketball players shoot in "hot streaks," and maternity nurses who maintain that more babi...详情
经典好书《Liu Tsung-yüan and Intellectual Change in T'ang China, 773-819》读书内容简介:ensive study of Liu Tsang-yuan (773-819), a major literary and intellectual figure in Chinese history. The major aspects of L...详情
经典好书《L'invention de la liberté 1700-1789》读书内容简介:binski),1920年生于日内瓦,著名的瑞士文艺批评家和理论家、观念史专家,日内瓦学派的主要代表人物之一。代表著作:《让-雅克•卢梭:透明与障碍》、《灵动的眼》、《批评的关系》、《镜中的忧郁》等。译者张亘,武汉大学外语学院法语系博士...详情
经典好书《Mathematical Discovery on Understanding, Learning, and Teaching Problem Solving, Volume I》读书内容简介:garian mathematician. Born in Budapest on 13 December 1887, his original name was Plya Gyrg. He wrote perhaps the most famous...详情
经典好书《Les Bienveillantes - Prix Goncourt et Prix du roman de l'Académie française 2006》读书内容简介:rld War II novel that was the talk of the Frankfurt Book Fair will be published in the United States in 2008.Publisher...详情
经典好书《R in a Nutshell》读书内容简介:t's rapidly becoming the standard for developing statistical software. R in a Nutshell provides a quick and practical way to ...详情
经典好书《So Good They Can't Ignore You》读书内容简介:科学博士,分布式算法专家,畅销书作家,高人气博主。曾以“美国大学优等生荣誉学会会员”的最高荣誉毕业于达特茅斯学院,后在麻省理工学院取得计算机博士学位,目前是乔治城大学计算机科学副教授。他创办了深受美国中学生欢迎的博客“St...详情
经典好书《So Good They Can't Ignore You》读书内容简介:written manifesto flies in the face of conventional wisdom by suggesting that it should be a person's talent and skill - and ...详情