经典好书《Planet Hong Kong》读书内容简介:lar Cinema and the Art of Entertainment has been acclaimed as the best book on this vibrant, unpredictable cinema. First publ...详情
Hong Kong 书籍
经典好书《Hong Kong》读书内容简介:p>原名詹姆斯.莫里斯(James Morris),一九二六年出生於英國,畢業於牛津大學。一九七二年透過變性手術「成為」珍.莫里斯。曾擔任《泰晤士報》與《衛報》海外特派記者,身兼詩人、小說家、歷史學家、旅遊文學作家等多重身分,獲頒威爾斯大學榮譽文學博...详情
经典好书《Hong Kong's Watershed》读书内容简介: The 1967 Riots is the first English book that provides an account and critical analysis of the disturbances based on declass...详情