影片剧情摘要:月华的石头突然炸裂,从里面蹦出了一只石猴(李扬 饰)。石猴在附近的花果山占山为王,逍遥自在,好不快活。只可惜他虽天赋神力,却没有一件得心应手的兵器。在老猴的建议下,美猴王入龙宫,强从东海龙王(陈凯歌 饰)那里讨来定海神针金箍棒。龙王一纸诉状告到天庭,...详情
影片剧情摘要:g Arthur)全名为亚瑟·潘德拉刚(Arthur Pendragon),是英格兰传说中的国王,他在罗马帝国瓦解之后统一了不列颠群岛,被后人尊称为亚瑟王。 传说中,亚瑟王得到了大法师梅林的辅佐,是圆桌骑士团的领袖,而他与他的王后桂妮...详情
经典好书《King of Capital》读书内容简介:hment-banks and investment bankers, such as Citigroup, Bear Stearns, Lehman, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan St...详情
经典好书《King, Queen, Knave》读书内容简介: of Dreyer, a wealthy and boisterous proprietor of a men's clothing emporium store. Ruddy, self-satisfied, and thoroughly ma...详情
经典好书《Oedipus the King》读书内容简介:luminated by Practical Scholarship One noble family's descent into madness, mayhem, and murder -- the first play in Sophocl...详情
经典好书《Katsuya Terada's The Monkey King Volume 2》读书内容简介:a''s greatest fantasy epic, the inspiration for everything from Dragon Ball to Saiyuki. But the legend has never been more br...详情
经典好书《I Served the King of England》读书内容简介:Bohumil Hrabal在本書中敘述著一個懷有無窮夢想的小人物的故事。一個餐廳服務員,一心想成為「伺候過英國國王」的領班那樣的人物。他辛勤工作卻不時遭到不公的貶抑與誣衊。直到有天他終於如願以償了,諷刺的是,這個願望竟然是在拘留所裡實現的……本書勾...详情
经典好书《The King's Two Bodies》读书内容简介:icz published a book that would be the guide for generations of scholars through the arcane mysteries of medieval political t...详情
经典好书《The Pale King》读书内容简介:Regional Examination Center in Peoria, Illinois, appear ordinary enough to newly arrived trainee David Foster Wallace. But as...详情