经典好书《Divine Invasions-Life P K Dick》读书内容简介:美国著名科幻作家。他一生虽然只有短短五十三年,却创作了三十六部长篇小说和五部短篇小说集。他只得过一次雨果奖、一次约翰•坎贝尔纪念奖,却被称为“科幻作家中的科幻作家”,因为他的创意和点子层出不穷,成为无数科幻作家借鉴的创作素材库。出...详情
经典好书《Mao's Little Red Book》读书内容简介:ssistant Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley, where he teaches modern Chinese history. His researc...详情
经典好书《三浦春馬ファーストPHOTO BOOK『たぶん。』》读书内容简介:は、たぶん、こんな人。 17歳という“いま"しかないキラキラした一瞬を集めた数々の写真。これまで語られることのなかったエピソード満載の超ロングインタビュー。甘酸っぱくて、切なくて、ドキドキする…こんなPHOTO BOOK初めて!・カラー...详情
经典好书《The Book Of Nonsense》读书内容简介:n of Leeds, Whose head was infested with beads; She sat on a stool, And ate gooseberry fool, Which agreed with that person of...详情
经典好书《The Body Book》读书内容简介:/p>美国著名女演员,1972年出生于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥市。21岁初次亮相大银幕即大受好评,20年来始终处于好莱坞第一梯队,保持着极高的票房号召力、媒体关注度与观众喜爱度。她的名字出现在所有好莱坞最性感女星榜单的顶部,成为超级巨星的必要特质她...详情
The Book of 书籍
经典好书《The Book of》读书内容简介:ach-Ah) is the New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Equation and The Books of Awesome. His books have published...详情
经典好书《The Book of Even More Awesome》读书内容简介:是一位朝九晚五的上班族,他跟全世界任何一个写字楼里的普通白领一样,每天面临着巨大的工作压力和生活压力。经历了两次婚姻破灭和最好的朋友跳楼自杀后,绝望至极的尼尔决定改变自己,重新认识生活,发现生活之美。于是,他创立了全球第一个记录美好生活...详情
经典好书《The Book of Awesome》读书内容简介:awesomethings.com celebrates the good things in life- by the sheer power of their awesomeness. Based on the award-wi...详情
经典好书《The Book of Good Love》读书内容简介:o single work typifies the medieval character so completely as Juan Ruiz' Libro de Buen Amor, a product of the fourteenth cen...详情
经典好书《The Japanese Cinema Book》读书内容简介:ok provides a new and comprehensive survey of one of the world's most fascinating and widely admired filmmaking regions. In t...详情