经典好书《The Films of John Cassavetes》读书内容简介: in detail the story of a maverick filmmaker who worked outside the studio system. Providing extended critical discussion on ...详情
经典好书《分手信 / Dear John》读书内容简介:。現於英國渥里克大學攻讀博士學位。尼可拉斯‧史派克美式純愛療傷系代表作家尼可拉斯‧史派克,擅長從你我熟悉的平凡人物與簡單故事取材,刻畫純淨而刻骨的情感,陪伴讀者一同遍嚐愛的甘甜與苦楚,刺激大眾思考情愛的真諦,撫慰世人渴愛而...详情
经典好书《Thirteen Uncollected Stories By John Cheever》读书内容简介:collection of John Cheever stories in more than 15 years, and the first time these stories have ever been collected. Cheever ...详情
经典好书《John Maynard Keynes, Vol. 3》读书内容简介:在中国哈尔滨一个俄籍犹太富商家庭,婴儿时就同父母一起被日本关东军拘押在日本一年。战后由于无法拿回在哈尔滨的巨大家产,移居英国,六十多年后才重新访问幼时的故园(2005年9月曾来华讲学). 他的《凯恩斯传》使他成为“20世纪最伟大的传记作家之一”,享誉...详情
John Adams 书籍
经典好书《John Adams》读书内容简介: biography, David McCullough unfolds the adventurous life journey of John Adams, the brilliant, fiercely independent, often i...详情
经典好书《John Neff on Investing》读书内容简介:ng contrarian, proving time-and-again over the past three decades that bucking the system can pay off big. During his illustr...详情
经典好书《John Cassavetes (Cahiers du cinéma)》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
John Locke 书籍
经典好书《John Locke》读书内容简介:lable for the first time critical editions of John Locke's A Vindication and A Second Vindication of the Reasonableness of Ch...详情
经典好书《The Wapshot Scandal. John Cheever》读书内容简介:apshots of St. Botolphs were distinguished for their unshakeable good opinion of themselves. But the family members have drif...详情
经典好书《This Was John Calvin》读书内容简介: 作者凡赫尔斯玛是著名的作家和演说家,工作于密歇根州大激流城改革宗圣经学院。作者简介详情