经典好书《Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs》读书内容简介:,粒子物理学、弦理论、宇宙学专家。当今全球最权威的额外维度物理学家。挑战爱因斯坦,9年实验首度提出第五维空间,震惊全球物理界。普林斯顿大学物理系第一位女性终身教授,哈佛大学、麻省理工学院第一位女性理论物理学终身教授。《时代...详情
经典好书《Songs of Innocence and of Experience》读书内容简介: of Experience is a collection of poems by William Blake. This is an important publication for those who are fans of the writ...详情
经典好书《Surface and Depth》读书内容简介:nd depth pervades the field of aesthetics. How can art's surface meanings and qualities be properly appreciated without under...详情
经典好书《Signal and Noise》读书内容简介:ilm theory are based on the ways that media technologies operate in Europe and the United States. In this groundbreaking work...详情
经典好书《European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages》读书内容简介:tius, 1886-1956),德国文献学家、罗曼语言与文学批评家。生于德国坦恩(Thann),曾游历德国、瑞士、英格兰等地,1904年起在波恩学习梵文和比较文献学。1913年,他提交了大学教师资格论文——论述十九世纪法国批评家布吕内蒂埃(Ferd...详情
经典好书《Singapore is not an island》读书内容简介:t being nice, polite or agreeable. It is fundamentally about protecting and promoting the country’s interests, preferably by ...详情
经典好书《Space and Place》读书内容简介:理学思想在西方地理学界,以及与西方关系密切的其他地方的地理学界,产生了重大影响。他将人的种种主观情性与客观地理环境的丰富关系进行了极具智慧的阐发,吸引了众多学者的目光。自20世纪70年代以来,Yi-Fu Tuan(他的英文名字)一名,蜚声于世界人文地...详情
经典好书《This Is Service Design Thinking》读书内容简介:et services to create outstanding customer experiences Service design thinking is the designing and marketing of services th...详情
经典好书《Language, Evolution, and the Brain》读书内容简介:roups around the world have begun to study how the brain acquires and processes language, but we still know comparatively lit...详情
经典好书《Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling (Second Edition)》读书内容简介: on agent-based modeling—now fully updated and expandedAgent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling has become the standa...详情