经典好书《Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism》读书内容简介:on's concept of the formation of ego identity, this book, which first appreared in 1961, is an analysis of the experiences of...详情
经典好书《Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod》读书内容简介: introduces web application development with Haskell and Yesod, a potent language/framework combination that supports high-pe...详情
经典好书《Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, Vol. I》读书内容简介: the material life of pre-industrial people around the world, Fernand Braudel significantly changed the way historians view t...详情
经典好书《Love and Friendship》读书内容简介:,1926— ) 康奈尔大学英国文学教授,1985年凭借小说《外交事务》获得普利策奖。她是60年代崛起的女作家群中的一位佼佼者,被文学评论家评价为睿智过人的“社会风俗”小说家。她的作品多是世态喜剧,重点探讨美国中产阶级的社会生活,对知识分子生活世界的...详情
经典好书《Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)》读书内容简介:e greatest challenges faced by designers of digital systems is optimizing the communication and interconnection between syste...详情
经典好书《Core Servlets and Javaserver Pages》读书内容简介:ogy of choice for e-commerce applications, interactive Web sites, and Web-enabled services. Servlet and JSP technology provid...详情
经典好书《Order and History (Volume 2)》读书内容简介:Voegelin's magisterial Order and History, The World of the Polis, explores the ancient Greek symbolization of human reality. ...详情
经典好书《The Cathedral and the Bazaar》读书内容简介: and the Bazaar)是埃里克·斯蒂芬·雷蒙(Eric Steven Raymond)所撰写的软件工程方法论。以Linux的核心开发过程以及作者自己主持开发的开放原始码软件──Fetchmail为讨论案例。文章在1997年5月27日发表,并...详情
经典好书《Speech and Language Processing, 2nd Edition》读书内容简介:n of "Speech and Language Processing, 2000" (http://www.douban.com/subject/1810715/).An explosion of Web-based langua...详情
经典好书《Design and Analysis of Experiments》读书内容简介:ssional reference has helped over 100,000 engineers and scientists with the success of their experiments. The new edition inc...详情