经典好书《Singapore is not an island》读书内容简介:t being nice, polite or agreeable. It is fundamentally about protecting and promoting the country’s interests, preferably by ...详情
经典好书《This Is Service Design Thinking》读书内容简介:et services to create outstanding customer experiences Service design thinking is the designing and marketing of services th...详情
经典好书《Singularity Is Near》读书内容简介:和语音识别系统。为此他获得许多奖项:狄克森奖、卡耐基梅隆科学奖。1988年,麻省理工学院提名他为“当年杰出发明家“。他曾获9项名誉博士学位,2次总统荣誉奖。库兹韦尔也是一名成功的企业家,他用他的发明创办了自己的企业,开发出多项造福人类的高科技产品。库...详情
经典好书《Probability and Computing: Randomization and Probabilistic Techniques in Algorithms and Data Analysis》读书内容简介: new edition requires only an elementary background in discrete mathematics and offers a comprehensive introduction to the ro...详情
经典好书《Everything Is Obvious》读书内容简介:he most famous painting in the world? Why did Facebook succeed when other social networking sites failed? Did the surge in Ir...详情
经典好书《The Best Interface Is No Interface》读书内容简介:he digital interface is out of control. We’ve embraced it in the boardroom, the bedroom, and the bathroom.Screens have...详情
经典好书《Fat Is a Feminist Issue》读书内容简介: with its bestselling sequel When it was first published, "Fat is a Feminist Issue" became an instant classic and it is as re...详情
经典好书《My Brain Is Open》读书内容简介: greatest mathematicians of the twentieth century, and certainly the most eccentric, was internationally recognized as a prod...详情
经典好书《The Past is a Foreign Country》读书内容简介:e-ranging book Professor Lowenthal analyses the ever-changing role of the past in shaping our lives. A heritage at once nurtu...详情
经典好书《This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage》读书内容简介:家,现居田纳西州的纳什维尔。美国当代最受瞩目的小说家,作品被译为30多种语言,先后荣获福克纳笔会奖、柑橘奖、卡夫卡奖、国家书评奖、幼狮奖等多项荣誉,2012年凭借作品《失落的秘境》获选《时代周刊》全球百大影响力人物。译者简介 :...详情