经典好书《Information Architecture for the World Wide Web》读书内容简介:.0 world of wikis, folksonomies, and mashups makes well-planned information architecture even more essential. How do you pre...详情
经典好书《Information Geometry and Its Applications》读书内容简介:rehensive book on information geometry, written by the founder of the field. It begins with an elementary introduction to dua...详情
经典好书《Information Fantasies》读书内容简介: Xiao Liu is assistant professor of East Asian studies at McGill University.作者简介详情
经典好书《Information Architecture》读书内容简介:>信息架构和产品设计世界权威。她是全球性信息架构组织The Information Architecture Institute的创办人和首任主席,著名信息架构网站Boxes and Arrows的创办者。现任世界最大的专业人士社区网站LinkedI...详情
经典好书《A Practical Guide to Information Architecture》读书内容简介:signer, intranet manager or someone without much Information Architecture experience, this book answers all those questions y...详情
经典好书《Modern Information Retrieval》读书内容简介: complete textbook for a first course on information retrieval from the computer science perspective. It provides an up-to-da...详情
经典好书《A Nation Transformed by Information》读书内容简介: 阿尔费雷德•D·钱德勒(AIfred D.Chandler Jr.,1919-2007)商业史学家,哈佛大学商学院研究生院Strauss商业史荣誉教授,著有《战略与结构》、《看得见的手》、《规模与范围》等,曾获得包括普利策奖和班克洛夫特奖在内的许多奖项。作者简介详情
经典好书《The Mode of Information》读书内容简介:ls and use computers, electronic devices mediate how we communicate. In each instance, we exchange symbols and information ju...详情
经典好书《Information is Beautiful》读书内容简介:way the world really works Every day, every hour, every minute we are bombarded by information - from television, from newsp...详情
经典好书《Information, Territory, and Networks》读书内容简介:.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674088429The occupation of the northern half of the Chinese territories in the 1120s brought...详情