21世紀C語言 书籍
经典好书《21世紀C語言》读书内容简介:oing statistical analysis and computationally-intensive modeling of populations ever since getting his PhD in Social Sciences...详情
经典好书《Collins Cobuild英語語法系列:介詞》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
给忙碌者的天体物理学 书籍
经典好书《The Datacenter as a Computer》读书内容简介:mputer: An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines, Second editionSynthesis Lectures on Computer Archit...详情
动物精神 书籍
经典好书《动物精神》读书内容简介:美国总统奥巴马枕边书!美国政府官员争相抢读!★ 编辑推荐传统宏观经济学理论为何无法揭示经济危机的根源?传统经济政策为何无力重振全球经济繁荣?答案只有一个:它们忽略了“动物精神”!何...详情
量子物理史話 书籍
经典好书《A Lion Called Christian》读书内容简介:eatured an extraordinary film clip that soon became an internet phenomenon. It showed the emotional reunion of two young men ...详情
经典好书《A History of Chinese Civilization》读书内容简介:, this translation of Professor Jacques Gernet's masterly survey of the history and culture of China was immediately welcomed...详情
论万物 书籍