经典好书《High Fidelity》读书内容简介:57-),很小的时候就想成为写字的人,但从没料想到自己会成为一个畅销作家。霍恩比完成学业后留校教授英文,同时为报章媒体自由撰稿。纯属偶然,记录下他同时爱上足球和女人的自传体小说Fever Pitch在被多家出版社婉拒出版后,却一鸣惊人地登上1992年...详情
经典好书《Mastering Python High Performance》读书内容简介: improve the performance of your Python code with this easy-to-follow guideAbout This BookMaster the do's and d...详情
经典好书《High Probability Trading Strategies》读书内容简介:robability Trading Strategies, author and well–known trading educator Robert Miner skillfully outlines every aspect of a prac...详情
经典好书《High Output Management》读书内容简介:y guide to the art and science of management from Andrew S. Grove, the president of America's leading manufacturer of compute...详情
经典好书《The Inmates Are Running the Asylum : Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity (2nd Edition)》读书内容简介:ngly aggressive rate, everything you regularly use is being equipped with computer technology. Think about your phone, camera...详情
经典好书《All About High-Frequency Trading》读书内容简介:ODAY'S MOST SOPHISTICATEDAND CONTROVERSIAL TRADING TECHNIQUE Unfair ...brilliant ...illegal ...inevitable. High-frequency tra...详情
High Minds 书籍
经典好书《High Minds》读书内容简介:语,后获剑桥大学历史学博士学位,现任英国白金汉大学历史学教授。赫弗在伦敦新闻界服役近35年,曾任《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph)和《旁观者》(The Spectator)副总编辑,现为《每日电讯报》和《星期日电讯报》(The ...详情
经典好书《The High Mountains of Portugal》读书内容简介:幻漂流》。该作品赢得二〇〇二年度布克奖及其他众多奖项,并由导演李安拍成电影,获得奥斯卡奖。他的其他作品包括:《赫尔辛基罗氏家族的幕后真相》(荣获加拿大“旅程奖”),长篇小说《自我》和《标本师的魔幻剧本》,以及非虚构作品《给总理的一百零一封信》。马特尔...详情