南风过境·典藏版 书籍
经典好书《南风过境·典藏版》读书内容简介:outhern wind人海中万千身影,唯有你,能牵动我喜怒哀乐,也唯有你,让我想到永远。五周年纪念版 新增甜蜜番外2万字一次饭局,傅希境偶遇五年前不告而别的女友季南风,他执意认为南风就是其旧...详情
经典好书《In the Skin of a Lion》读书内容简介:is a love story and an irresistible mystery set in the turbulent, muscular new world of Toronto in the 20s and 30s. Michael O...详情
经典好书《A Theory of Justice》读书内容简介:tion of "A Theory of Justice, published in 1999, is the definitive statement of Rawls's view, so much of the extensive litera...详情
经典好书《Software Development From A to Z》读书内容简介:ture of the software development process. We use software every day – operating systems, applications, document editing progr...详情
水北天南 书籍
经典好书《大唐女法医·江南卷(上下)》读书内容简介: 袖唐,人称袖子,女,徐州人,就读美院的影视动画专业,观影无数,想象力过剩,相对于用画笔表现人物,更偏好用文字这种更加细腻的方式去赋予虚拟人物血肉。在起点女生网上创作多部作品,《大唐女法医》《江山美人谋》《美姬妖且闲》,点击购买量均位居前列。作者简介详情
经典好书《Taken for a Ride》读书内容简介:l christened the deal "the biggest industrial merger of all time." The marriage of Daimler and Chrysler promised to rock the ...详情
经典好书《A Canticle for Leibowitz》读书内容简介:o Award for Best Novel and widely considered one of the most accomplished, powerful, and enduring classics of modern speculat...详情
经典好书《Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers》读书内容简介:ailure. Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don't have is traction -- real customer growth.<...详情
经典好书《妙手回春 网站可用性测试及优化指南(修订版)》读书内容简介:)》是作者Steve Krug继畅销书《点石成金:访客至上的网页设计秘笈》(Don't Make Me Think)后推出的又一力作。多年来,人们就认识到网站可用性测试可以极大地改善产品质量,但鉴于正规的可用性测试流程复杂、费用高昂,很少人这样做。在...详情