经典好书《Sogdian Epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech'e》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Là où chantent les écrevisses》读书内容简介:s rumeurs les plus folles ont couru sur " la Fille des marais " de Barkley Cove, une petite ville de Caroline du Nord. Pourta...详情
经典好书《GI. Vocabolario della lingua greca. Con la guida all'uso del vocabola rio e lessico di base. Con CD-ROM》读书内容简介:ofessor of Ancient Greek Literature at the University of Genoa (Italy), Director of the "Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione...详情
累不死的O啊 书籍
经典好书《累不死的O啊》读书内容简介:一直梦想去对面看一看。别人做这件事,似乎都不费吹灰之力,可他使尽浑身解数:填石子、搭桥梁、做翅膀……能想的几乎都想了,能做的几乎都做了,才终于如愿以偿,不想前方等待他的却是…… 点击链接进入: 《累不死的O啊》 </p...详情
经典好书《Les origines de la pensée grecque》读书内容简介: 让-皮埃尔・韦尔南(Jean-PierreVemant1914-):法国著名哲学史家,古希腊研究专家。作者简介详情
经典好书《Georgia O'Keeffe》读书内容简介:es presents engaging, up–to–date introductions to art’s modern masters. Compact, affordable, and beautifully produced, the bo...详情
为什么E=mc2 书籍
经典好书《Essays of E.B. White》读书内容简介: a leading American essayist, author, humorist, poet and literary stylist and author of such beloved children's classics as C...详情
经典好书《University Economics (3/e)》读书内容简介:ican economist born in Fresno, California, is in many ways like Ronald Coase (see Coase). Like Coase, Alchian has published o...详情