经典好书《Power and Glory》读书内容简介:ion "Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty" opens at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco on Friday, June 27, ...详情
经典好书《Bound for Glory (Plume)》读书内容简介:he autobiography of Woody Guthrie, the founder of modern American folk music. It is a funny, cynical, earthy and tragic accou...详情
经典好书《An Uncertain Glory》读书内容简介:pendent in 1947 after two centuries of colonial rule, it immediately adopted a firmly democratic political system, with multi...详情
经典好书《Fame and Glory》读书内容简介:waszkiewicz, 1894—1980 ),波兰小说家、诗人、剧作家,代表了二战后波兰文学最高成就。他是跨性别者,曾服役于波兰第三军团,之后加入斯卡曼德尔诗社,二战后长期担任波兰作家协会主席,及议会议员、波兰保卫和平委员 会主席。代表作有诗集《...详情
经典好书《The Glory and the Dream》读书内容简介:一页的时候,威廉・曼彻斯特年仅十岁,但他已是报纸的贪婪的读者。作为一个马萨诸塞州工人的儿子,他切身体会到了经济大萧条的痛苦。1936年,富兰克林・罗斯福再次当选为美国总统。这年,他14岁,成为马萨诸塞州斯普林弗尔德民主党总部的一位志愿者。珍珠港事件后...详情
经典好书《The Kingdom and the Glory》读书内容简介:est assumed the form of an "economy," that is, of a government of men and things? If power is essentially government, why doe...详情
经典好书《Power and Glory》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Depths of Glory》读书内容简介:3-1989)美国传记小说作家,生于加利福尼亚。像他的同乡杰克·伦敦一样,斯通的童年生活十分艰难,读完中学后便打工。读完大学之后,获南加州大学经济学硕士,后去印第安纳大学任教。他一生创作了二十五部传记小说,其作品在欧美各国有着广泛的社会...详情
经典好书《MORNING GLORY―寺尾友美写真集》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
Glory 书籍
经典好书《Glory》读书内容简介:nic story of Martin Edelweiss, a twnety-two-year-old Russian émigré of no account, who is in love with a girl who refuses to ...详情