经典好书《Modern French Philosophy》读书内容简介:roduction to modern French philosophy, commissioned from one of the liveliest contemporary practitioners and intended for an ...详情
经典好书《The Masters of Modern French Criticism》读书内容简介:布里昂;圣・伯夫;希利;泰纳;勒南;布伦蒂埃18到19世纪的欧洲艺术界处于一个现实主义与浪漫主义激烈冲突的时期,在这期间,居于冲突中心及作为浪漫主义文艺思潮发源地之一的法国,各种思想空前活跃,批评亦即随之而繁荣。<...详情
经典好书《The French Betrayal of America》读书内容简介:mmerman):美国记者,为《时代周刊》、《新闻周刊》、《华尔街日报》和《读者文摘》撰写文章,在法国生活近20年。他的作品有:Preachers of Hate:Islamand the War On AmVrfcAShakedown:Exposi...详情
经典好书《The French Lieutenant's Woman》读书内容简介:vels The French Lieutenant's Woman received the most universal acclaim and today holds a very special place in the canon of p...详情
经典好书《Awaiting Oblivion (French Modernist Library)》读书内容简介: almost-fictions ...throwing into deliciously baffling high relief the enigmatic condition of a man and woman alone in a spar...详情
经典好书《Origins of the French Revolution》读书内容简介:0, this book rapidly established itself as the indispensable guide to what brought about the French Revolution, and to the de...详情
经典好书《La Chambre Des Officiers = The Room of the Officers (Pocket) (French Edition)》读书内容简介:。专业为政治学和金融学,在金融业和航空运输业担任过各种职务,后从事写作。第一部小说《军官的房间》,1998年由拉泰斯出版社出版,获得了18项文学奖,其中有书商奖、尼米埃奖和双猴奖,并在德国、英国和美国翻译出版。著名导演弗朗索瓦·杜贝隆将...详情
经典好书《The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution》读书内容简介:er, part of a school now at work refashioning the Annales tradition, analyzes the causes of the French Revolution not simply ...详情
经典好书《Neil French 前奥美全球创意执行总监自传 2015全彩版尼尔法兰奇》读书内容简介:开顾客的钱包!前奥美全球创意执行总监尼克•法兰奇(Neil French)可能是广告史上获得过奖项最多的创意人,他的六十年人生都被呈现在这里:二百多件平面作品,多年来占据全球各大奖项的东西被一一揪出,作者还被强令交代其每一个创意背后的策...详情
经典好书《French Theory》读书内容简介:f America’s love/hate affair with French theory.During the last three decades of the twentieth century, a dispar ate g...详情