机器猫 哆啦A梦29 书籍
经典好书《机器猫 哆啦A梦29》读书内容简介:当”的非常有趣的动画故事集。本册是其中之一。小朋友们不要错过哟! 您想不想有个无所不能、挥之即来的超人朋友呢?日本经典漫画哆啦A梦全新登场!机智、聪明、可爱的哆啦A梦(小叮当)又给我们带来了许多新鲜和奇特的故事!在这里,哆啦A梦将引领我们进入一个极富...详情
经典好书《A Passion for Mathematics》读书内容简介:tics" is an educational, entertaining trip through the curiosities of the math world, blending an eclectic mix of history, bi...详情
RíoOscuro 电视剧
电视剧【RíoOscuro】剧情介绍: the disappearance of her son and facing the ineffectiveness of justice to find him, decides to take the reins of the case wi...详情
经典好书《How to Be a Power Connector》读书内容简介:,商业思想领袖。《福布斯》、《风险投资人》、《赫芬顿邮报》和《彭博商业周刊》评价她是新一代“超级给予者”,不断利用自己的经验和网络加快经济增长、提升盈利能力。她在创业领域有极其丰富的经验:她是美国最大的三个天使投资集团之一金种子基金的董...详情
经典好书《Did You Ever Have A Family》读书内容简介:el from bestselling author Bill Clegg is a magnificently powerful story about a circle of people who find solace in the least...详情
经典好书《Message in a Bottle》读书内容简介:oned about relationships, Theresa Osborne is jogging when she finds a bottle on the beach. Inside is a letter of love and lon...详情
经典好书《Message In A Bottle》读书内容简介:ion on a windswept beach, Garrett bottles his words of undying love for a lost woman, and throws them to the sea. My dearest ...详情
经典好书《The Portrait of a Lady》读书内容简介:母之邀,来伦敦探望她和她的丈夫Daniel的宅邸拜访。后,Isabel的父亲过世。在葬礼期间,她遇到了她的表亲Ralph Touchett,一个友善而病弱的青年,以及Ralph粗鲁的另据Warburton爵爷。Isabel拒绝了Warburton仓促...详情
经典好书《A Farewell To Arms》读书内容简介:l to emerge from World War I, A Farewell to Arms is the unforgettable story of an American ambulance driver on the Italian ...详情
经典好书《Geography and World Power. A Text-book of Matriculation Standard, Illustrating the Geographic Control of History》读书内容简介:治学家、教育家。先后在阿伯里斯特维斯大学和牛津大学耶稣学院学习,曾长期担任中学地理教师,后任教于伦敦大学教育学院。主要从事人文地理学和地缘政治学的研究,深受英国著名地理学家哈尔福德‧麦金德的影响,代表作有《地理与世界霸权》《学校地理学》(Geogra...详情