经典好书《A Game of Thrones》读书内容简介:me in George R. R. Martin’s magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords . As a whole,...详情
经典好书《The Silk Road: A New History with Documents》读书内容简介:c in world history; but what was it, exactly? It conjures up a hazy image of a caravan of camels laden with silk on a dusty d...详情
Why I Write 书籍
经典好书《Why I Write》读书内容简介:n of an English administrator stationed in India (in the "Opium Department"), Orwell (born Eric Blair) returned to Henley-on-...详情
经典好书《A Mathematical Bridge》读书内容简介:atics is beautiful, natural and interconnected, to the uninitiated it can feel like an arbitrary mass of disconnected technic...详情
经典好书《Accelerated C++中文版》读书内容简介:的印象会如此深刻呢?这是因为: ●它一开始就向读者教导那些最有用的概念,而不是那些简单的注释 读者很快就能够以此开始编程 ●它描述的是现实中的问题和解决方案,而不是单纯的语言特性 读者不但学习到了这些特性,而且还知...详情
经典好书《Topology of a Phantom City》读书内容简介:Robbe-Grillet(1922-2008)法国“新小说”代表作家和理论家、电影编剧和导演。一九五三年发表成名作《橡皮》,一九五五年以小说《窥视者》获得批评家奖,主要理论著作有《为了一种新小说》。一九六一年所著电影小说...详情
经典好书《A Murder is Announced (Miss Marple)》读书内容简介:p>Agatha Christie's most ingenious murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest genera...详情
经典好书《The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest》读书内容简介:典中央新闻通讯社,并于工作之余投身反法西斯主义的活动。一九九五年,他创办了Expo基金会,并自一九九九年开始担任基金会同名杂志主编。由于他长期致力于揭发瑞典极右派组织的不法行为,多年来一直受到程度或轻或重的死亡恐吓与威胁。这部小说中总是积极捍卫社会正...详情
经典好书《The Razor's Edge》读书内容简介:ng American in search of the absolute. The progress of his spiritual odyssey involves him with some of Maugham's most brillia...详情
经典好书《Mathematical Discovery on Understanding, Learning, and Teaching Problem Solving, Volume I》读书内容简介:garian mathematician. Born in Budapest on 13 December 1887, his original name was Plya Gyrg. He wrote perhaps the most famous...详情