经典好书《The Feminist Porn Book》读书内容简介:的女性主義,說色情工業侮辱了女性的身體;繼而女性要重獲自己的身體。書中不乏色情片女主角,自己講述幹這行的想法。例如有一位曾出鏡多達200次,育有兩位小孩的演員回憶,她幹這行的初衷僅僅是為了生計;而女性無可否認有權利去決定身體的用法。她認為色情工業中的...详情
经典好书《Book Girl and the Scribe Who Faced God》读书内容简介:nce Konoha's first encounter with Tohko, the mysterious president of the literature club who introduced herself so oddly. The...详情
The BOOK 书籍
经典好书《The BOOK》读书内容简介:伴為了逮捕破壞自己原稿的兇手,以誘餌設下捕貓陷阱。沒想到,陷阱不但抓到了兇貓,還引來另一隻渾身沾滿血的怪貓。由於這隻怪貓的出現,眾人才得以揭發一樁離奇死亡事件的真相,甚至踏入某個十餘年來一直隱藏於杜王町的秘密!擁有替身能力的這群夥伴們,這回即將遭遇的...详情
经典好书《The Book of Disquiet》读书内容简介:ny writers in one. The Portuguese author attributed his work to literary alter egos that he called "heteronyms," each of whic...详情
经典好书《Book Girl and the Famished Spirit》读书内容简介:lub has settled into a predictable - if unusual - routine. Junior members Konoba Inoue dutifully writes short stories for his...详情
经典好书《A Flag On the Island; my Aunt Gold Teeth; the Raffle; a Christmas Story; the Mourners; the Night Watchman's Occurrence Book; the Enemy; Greenie And ... Perfect Tenants; the Heart; the Baker's Story》读书内容简介:/b>英国著名作家。1932年生于特立尼达岛上一个印度移民家庭,1950年进入牛津大学攻读英国文学,毕业后迁居伦敦。50年代开始写作,著有《米格尔街》、《斯通先生与骑士伙伴》、《自由国度》、《河湾》、“印度三部曲”、《非洲的假面剧...详情
经典好书《The Book of Chameleons》读书内容简介:ut the landscape of memory and its inconsistencies follows Felix Ventura as he trades in a curious commodity--he sells people...详情
经典好书《A Spell for Chameleon (Xanth, Book 1)》读书内容简介:d land where magic ruled--where every citizen had a special spell only he could cast. That is, except for Bink of North Villa...详情
经典好书《The Book of Change》读书内容简介:cognized as one of the greatest modern Chinese writers, though she was completely erased from official histories in mainland ...详情
经典好书《The Book of the Unnamed Midwife》读书内容简介:家,毕业于加州大学伯克利分校。《末世之路(上)》作为她的处女作,一出版便受到了极为广泛的关注,同时赢得了《出版人周刊》2016年最佳图书奖和菲利普·K.迪克奖。其续集《末世之路(下)》也被列入菲利普·K.迪克奖和小詹姆斯·提普垂奖候选名单。有关她的报...详情