经典好书《Flask Web Development》读书内容简介:>本书共分三部分,全面介绍如何基于Python微框架Flask进行Web开发。第一部分是Flask简介,介绍使用Flask框架及扩展开发Web程序的必备基础知识。第二部分则给出一个实例,真正带领大家一步步开发完整的博客和社交应用Flasky,从...详情
经典好书《Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development》读书内容简介: With Test-Driven Development, the only comprehensive treatment on TDD in C++ provides you with everything you need to know a...详情
经典好书《Cross-Platform Development in C++》读书内容简介:ment in C++ is the definitive guide to developing portable C/C++ application code that will run natively on Windows, Macin...详情
经典好书《Agile Software Development》读书内容简介:pment is a highly stimulating and rich book. The author has a deep background and gives us a tour de force of the emerging ag...详情
经典好书《Colonialism and Postcolonial Development》读书内容简介:storical analysis of Spanish America, Mahoney offers a new theory of colonialism and postcolonial development. He explores wh...详情
经典好书《Agricultural Development in China, 1368-1968》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Development Across the Life Span (Global/Eighth Edition)》读书内容简介:dman)是位于马萨诸塞大学Amherst分校的心理学教授,同时也是本科教学部主任,并获学院优秀教师奖。费尔德曼教授也是Hewlett Teaching 研究员和马萨诸塞大学资深在线教学研究员。费尔德曼教授以优异成绩从卫斯理大学(Wesleyan U...详情
经典好书《Encountering Development》读书内容简介:ized nations of North America and Europe come to be seen as the appropriate models for post-World War II societies in Asia, A...详情
经典好书《Child Development》读书内容简介:ert S. Feldman)马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校心理学教授,同时也是社会和行为科学学院院长。他是学院优秀教师奖获得者,所教授的心理学课程学生人数从15名到近500名。在其职业生涯中,除了马萨诸塞大学以外,费尔德曼还在霍利约克山学院...详情
经典好书《Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB中文版》读书内容简介:n one J2EE development without EJB并没有给人带来太冲击。毕竟关于J2EE的书太多了,而without EJB看上去有点象是故意挑衅EJB的感觉。一本J2EE的书怎么可能会给人带来信念或思维的冲击呢?但是它做到了,它不...详情