经典好书《The Copy Book》读书内容简介:ings drawn and donated by the British Association of Illustrators. Covers food, water, health, shelter and work. For use by a...详情
经典好书《The Copy Book 全球32位顶尖广告文案的写作之道》读书内容简介:>再多的描述与修饰语言都不及亲自品读经典来的真实。32位全球一流文案写手亲口讲述他们独特的工作方法与程序。他们来自这个地球上广告业最发达的国家,在O&M;、DDB、Saatchi、JWT等全球知名的广告公司工作,服务过的客户...详情
经典好书《The origin and principles of the American Revolution, compared with the origin and principles of the French Revolution. Translated from the German of ... by an American gentleman. Copy-right secured.》读书内容简介:tz, 1764—1832)根茨的母系出自流亡普鲁士的法兰西胡格诺派家庭,是普鲁士大臣弗雷德里希·安茨隆(Friedrich Ancillon)的亲戚。根茨辅佐促成了1815年维也纳会议的奥地利外交达成梅特涅亲王(Prince Mett...详情