影片剧情摘要:球大战3:西斯的复仇》和《星球大战4:新希望》之间,讲述了义军集结并计划在死星建成之前盗走设计图,对抗不可一世的银河帝国的故事。 这是一个共和体制覆灭、绝地武士崩溃的时代。自帕尔帕廷以所谓的新秩序将银河共和国改组为银河帝国之后,人民的...详情
影片剧情摘要:刘心悠 饰)在娱乐圈浮沉多年,一次意外竟被电影公司老板Jeff(林德信 饰)看中,荣升贺岁片女主角。 朱淇为了星途,决意隐瞒已婚身份!忽然“被单身”的娱记老公赖毛(周柏豪 饰)为帮老婆圆梦,只好事事配合。随着朱淇人气急升,二人关系日渐...详情
经典好书《A Storm of Swords》读书内容简介:a tale as gripping, or one as likely to seize the minds and hearts of a generation, as George R. R. Martin's epic high fantas...详情
经典好书《Chronicle of a Death Foretold》读书内容简介:Vicario and Bayardo San Roman are left to their wedding night, Bayardo discovers that his new wife is no virgin. Disgusted, h...详情
经典好书《Go Set a Watchman》读书内容简介:vent: the publication of a newly discovered novel, the earliest known work from Harper Lee, the beloved, bestselling author o...详情
经典好书《Malice: A Mystery》读书内容简介:lice Detective Kyochiro Kaga recognizes Hidaka’s best friend, Osamu Nonoguchi. Years ago when they were both teachers, they w...详情
经典好书《A Life Beyond Boundaries》读书内容简介:hard O'Gorman Anderson,1936—2015),全球知名学者,民族主义研究、比较政治学、东南亚研究专家,康乃尔大学荣休教授。1936年出生于中国昆明;1953年进入剑桥大学主修西方古典研究和英法文学;195 8年赴美国康奈尔大学专...详情
经典好书《A Midsummer's Equation》读书内容简介:sicist known as "Detective Galileo," has traveled to Hari Cove, a once-popular summer resort town that has fallen on hard tim...详情
经典好书《Explosion in a Cathedral》读书内容简介:著名小说家、新闻记者、音乐理论家、文学批评家、外交官,拉丁美洲文坛巨匠。他将超现实主义和本地化融为一体,全面地反映了拉美大陆的现状,对拉美文学的发展起过巨大的推动作用,被尊为拉丁美洲小说的先行者。卡彭铁尔一九〇四年生于古巴哈瓦那,后在哈...详情
经典好书《The Perks of Being a Wallflower》读书内容简介: starring Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, and Paul Rudd and written and directed by the author—the provocative and poignant “comin...详情