经典好书《Unofficial China》读书内容简介:r of Chinese language and literature at Princeton University. In 1988-89 he served as Beijing director of a subcommittee of t...详情
经典好书《China Illustrata With Sacred and Secular Monuments, Various Spectacles of Nature and Art and Other Memorabilia》读书内容简介:1602-1680)是欧洲十七世纪著名的学者、耶稣会士。他兴趣广泛,知识广博,仅用拉丁文出的著作就有40多部。有人说他是“自然科学家、物理学家、天文学家、机械学家、哲学家、建筑学家、数学家、历史学家、地理学家、东方学家、音乐学家、作曲家、诗人”(G....详情
经典好书《Demystifying China》读书内容简介:s history is often reduced to a choice between timeless Confucian ideals or incomprehensible barbarisms such as footbinding o...详情
经典好书《Leprosy in China》读书内容简介:meticulous study begins with the classical annals of the imperial era, which contain the first descriptions of a feared and s...详情
经典好书《Networking China》读书内容简介:t professor in the School of Communication at USC Annenberg. She is the author of Labor, Class Formation, and China's Informa...详情
经典好书《A New Literary History of Modern China》读书内容简介:hinese perspective, makes manifest the cosmic patterns that shape and complete the world—a process of “worlding” that is much...详情
经典好书《Small Groups and Political Rituals in China》读书内容简介: Martin King Whyte is Professor of Sociology at Harvard University.作者简介详情
经典好书《China's Entrance into the Family of Nations》读书内容简介:, 1923-2005),生于上海,中国近代史研究权威学者。1946年毕业于燕京大学,1954年获哈佛大学哲学博士,1959年起执教于加州大学圣巴巴拉分校历史系至1991年退休,曾任历史系主任、荣休教授。著有《伊犁危机》(The Ili Crisis...详情
经典好书《Fate and Fortune in Rural China》读书内容简介:ral China is a major contribution to the study of both the social and population history of late traditional China, and that ...详情
经典好书《China's Unequal Treaties》读书内容简介:年毕业于中国社会科学院近代史研究所,获近代对外关系史专业博士学位,1998年获美国堪萨斯大学历史学博士学位。曾任美国戈登大学中国历史教授和东方国际研究所所长。现任芬兰图尔库大学 (University of Turku)中国历史讲座教授和东亚研究中心...详情