影片剧情摘要:& Dodomo)是光线传媒出品的一部真人奇幻电影。定档将于2018年7月13日在全国上映。查理九世剧情改编自雷欧幻像原创少年冒险系列小说,讲述了墨多多探险团和小狗查理为了寻找扶幽,一起深入神秘禁地404城,开始了一段背后隐藏着不可思议真相的冒险之旅...详情
经典好书《Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor》读书内容简介:ire Hathaway's visionary vice chairman and Warren Buffett's indispensable financial partner, has outperformed market indexes ...详情
经典好书《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》读书内容简介:ate Factory (1964) is a children's book by British author Roald Dahl, and is generally considered his best-known work. The ad...详情
经典好书《Charlie Needs a Cloak》读书内容简介: A shepherd shears his sheep, cards and spins the wool, weaves and dyes the cloth, and sews a beautiful new red cloak.作者简介详情
Charlie Chan 书籍
经典好书《Charlie Chan》读书内容简介:raphy of the cinematic hero Charlie Chan, whose character was inspired by the real-life story of Chang Apana, a bullwhip-wiel...详情
经典好书《Poor Charlie's Almanack》读书内容简介: includes Charlie's 2007 USC Law School Commencement address. Edited by Peter D. Kaufman. Brand New.作者简介查理·芒格(C...详情
经典好书《Poor Charlie's Almanack》读书内容简介:unger,1924 年1月1日—)在公众眼中,沃伦·巴菲特是伯克希尔·哈撒韦的代表人物,是该公司多年来取得非凡成就的大功臣;但另有一人也对该公司传奇般的业绩作出了重要贡献,那就是查理·芒格。虽然他在普通人中的知名度远没有巴菲特那么高,...详情