经典好书《A Short History of Decay》读书内容简介:995,也译作齐奥朗),罗马尼亚裔旅法哲人,20世紀著名怀疑论、虚无主义哲学家,以文辞新奇、思想深邃、激烈见称。他深受叔本华、尼采、舍斯托夫、陀思妥耶夫斯基影响。萧沆在欧美思想界享有盛名,作品曾被译成多种文字,苏珊•桑塔格、卡尔维诺、米兰•昆德拉等都...详情
经典好书《A Short History of Decay》读书内容简介:cay (1949)" is E. M. Cioran's nihilistic and witty collection of aphoristic essays concerning the nature of civilization in m...详情
致D 书籍
经典好书《A Farewell to Arms》读书内容简介:vel of the First World War The best American novel to emerge from World War I, A Farewell to Arms is the unforgettable sto...详情
经典好书《A Rulebook for Arguments》读书内容简介:to personal and public discourse, the need for good arguments and better ways of arguing is greater than ever before.T...详情
经典好书《Charlotte's Web》读书内容简介:, Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little are two of the most cherished stories of all time. Now, for the first time ever, these tr...详情
经典好书《Batman R.I.P.》读书内容简介:SON Art by TONY DANIEL & SANDU FLOREA Cover by ALEX ROSS The death of The Dark Knight is now in trade paperback, featuring BA...详情
经典好书《A Game of Thrones》读书内容简介:me in George R. R. Martin’s magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords. As a whole, thi...详情
Lettre à D. 书籍
经典好书《Lettre à D.》读书内容简介:商人家庭,原名为霍斯特,父亲是皈依天主教的犹太人。反犹运动兴起后,他于1939年来到中立国瑞士洛桑读书学习,学习化学。1946年,他结识了来这里举办讲座的存在主义哲学大师让·保罗·萨特。1949年他与女友多莉娜结婚并定居巴黎。他曾以米歇尔·博斯凯的笔...详情
经典好书《我讓最想被擁抱的男人給威脅了 4》读书内容简介:/p>以閃亮亮笑容獲得天使美名的新人演員.東谷,和實力派演員.高人開始交往了。儘管高人不斷在心中辯解「我只是被動接受」,與東谷的關係仍令他感到舒適。然而某天,高人和東谷接吻的畫面卻被狗仔隊拍到了。決定答應與攝影師「交易」的高人,對東谷提出分手─...详情