音乐CLUB 电视剧
Fight Club 书籍
经典好书《Fight Club》读书内容简介:其天才的锅里烹煮著易挥发性的「食谱」,泰勒·德尔登,这个天上蹦出来的傢伙,还有什么古怪玩意儿?一个没有名字的叙述者,一连串失眠者的囈语,瞪著死鱼一般的眼睛,让死板的思绪流过每一吋神经末稍。尖酸刻薄的身为一个汽车公司的回收改正员,他永远不知道自己醒在何...详情
经典好书《The End of Your Life Book Club》读书内容简介:or cancer, Mary Anne Schwalbe and her son Will spent many hours sitting in waiting rooms together. To pass the time, they wou...详情
经典好书《CLUB NAKED》读书内容简介:連れていかれたのは、男のストリップ劇場「CLUB NAKED」。男の裸なんか見て何が楽しいんだ…そう思っていたけれど、気付けばその店のNo.1ダンサー・リオの虜になっていた!!やがて店に足繁く通うようになり、個性豊かな衣装と圧巻のダンスパフォーマンス...详情
经典好书《Metaphysical Club》读书内容简介:ook about the creation of the modern American mind. The Metaphysical Club was an informal group that met in Cambridge, Massa...详情
经典好书《Joy Luck Club》读书内容简介:ghters, four families whose histories shift with the four winds depending on who's "saying" the stories. In 1949 four Chinese...详情
经典好书《Dynamite Club》读书内容简介:n Merriman,1946—),密歇根大学历史学博士,耶鲁大学历史学杰出讲席教授,布兰福德学院前院长,美国欧洲史学界权威学者。曾获法国政府颁发的荣誉博士学位、波兰教育部颁发的荣誉勋章、耶鲁大学杰出教学奖。著述甚丰,包括奠定其学术地位并已成为美国高...详情
经典好书《The Letter Killers Club》读书内容简介:b is a secret society of self-described “conceivers” who, to preserve the purity of their conceptions, will commit nothing to...详情
Fight Club 书籍
经典好书《Fight Club》读书内容简介: author of the best-selling novels Fight Club, Survivor, Lullaby, Diary, Rant, Damned, and many other works of fiction. He li...详情
经典好书《The President's Club》读书内容简介:llowed-and to this day-the presidents relied on, misunderstood, sabotaged, and formed alliances with one another that changed...详情