经典好书《Discovering History in China》读书内容简介:ation, Paul A. Cohen's Discovering History in China has occupied a singular place in American China scholarship. Translated i...详情
经典好书《Here in 'China' I Dwell》读书内容简介:l is a historiographical account of the formation of Chinese historical narratives in light of outside pressures on China — t...详情
经典好书《Politics in Hard Times》读书内容简介:mes, Peter Gourevitch explores the common political factors that shape economic policy choices. He focuses on three periods o...详情
经典好书《此去经年,我的意大利之旅 [My Italy Trip In The Dreaming Years]》读书内容简介:记或攻略,它带着作者对意大利的深情厚谊,为你带来亚平宁半岛心旷神怡的古老与时尚。这里有着最著名的美术馆、歌剧院,也有小到只有当地人知道的小酒馆和裁缝铺。生活就该如此地充满质感:在古老的城市里品味古罗马贵族最爱的甜品;去无人看管的酒庄里认领一瓶最新鲜的...详情
经典好书《A Turn in the South》读书内容简介:ifully crafted epilogue to the history of slavery A Turn in the South is a reflective journey by V. S. Naipaul in the late 19...详情
经典好书《The story of the Little Mole who went in search of whodunit》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Political Participation in Beijing》读书内容简介:,史天健教授在1978年通过高考进入北京大学国际关系学院学习之前也曾跟作为上山下乡的青年人在农村劳动过很长时间。从1969年下乡到1975年回到北京,他在农村做过饲养员、当过专业卡车司机、甚至作为赤脚医生上过手术台给老百姓治病。在北京大学结束了本科学...详情
经典好书《In the name of beauty》读书内容简介: 法文版!作者简介详情
经典好书《A History of the World in Twelve Maps》读书内容简介: 杰里·布罗顿,伦敦大学玛丽王后学院文艺复兴研究中心教授,主要著作有《领土交易:现代早期世界的地图绘制》《全球性角度:东西方之间的文艺复兴艺术》(合著)等。作者简介详情
经典好书《Storytelling in the New Hollywood》读书内容简介:or offers an analysis of Hollywood's storytelling techniques and how they are used to make complex, easily comprehensible, en...详情