经典好书《This Is Your Brain on Music》读书内容简介:iel J. Levitin專業音樂人,成長於1970年代搖滾狂飆的加州。出身中產階級家庭,母親所彈奏的蕭邦與舒曼是他對音樂最初的記憶,然而丹尼爾卻在大學時代為組搖滾樂團而輟學。在音樂界浮沉數年後,丹尼爾闖出一番成績,擔任史提夫.汪達、...详情
经典好书《The Teenage Brain》读书内容简介:佩雷尔曼医学院神经学系主任,波士顿儿童医院转化神经学研究主任和癫痫研究主任。●热衷于脑科学知识的推广,尤其是青少年的大脑发育、青少年大脑的优势和弱点等。她在世界各地发表了许多面向公众的演讲,也曾登上TED讲台。●针对青少年...详情
经典好书《The Elephant in the Brain》读书内容简介:tes, and primates are political animals. Our brains, therefore, are designed not just to hunt and gather, but also to help us...详情
Brain Trust 书籍
经典好书《Brain Trust》读书内容简介:E! How much better would your life be if you had an army of Nobel Laureates, MacArthur ‘geniuses’ and Nationa...详情
经典好书《Inside the Investor's Brain》读书内容简介:ow the mind of an investor operates and how developing emotional awareness leads to long-term success Inside the Investor's B...详情
经典好书《Design for a Brain》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Cybernetic Brain》读书内容简介:hought of as a grim military or industrial science of control. But as Andrew Pickering reveals in this surprising book, a muc...详情
经典好书《The Brain's Way of Healing》读书内容简介:/p>医学博士,精神科医生、心理分析师,哥伦比亚大学心理分析训练和研究中心教授和研究员,多伦多大学精神医学系教授。在专业领域之外,他是一位畅销书作家、评论家和诗人。他曾4次获得加拿大国家杂志写作金奖(Canada's Nation...详情